Package java.lang.classfile.constantpool

package java.lang.classfile.constantpool

Provides interfaces describing classfile constant pool entries for the java.lang.classfile library.

The java.lang.classfile.constantpool package contains interfaces describing classfile constant pool entries.
  • Class
    A constant pool entry that may be used by annotation constant values, which includes the four kinds of primitive constants and UTF8 constants.
    Models a CONSTANT_Class_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_Dynamic_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Provides read access to the constant pool and bootstrap method table of a classfile.
    Builder for the constant pool of a classfile.
    Thrown to indicate that requested entry cannot be obtained from the constant pool.
    Models a constant pool entry that can be used as the constant in a ConstantValue attribute; this includes the four primitive constant types and String constants.
    Models a CONSTANT_Double_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a dynamic constant pool entry, which is either ConstantDynamicEntry or InvokeDynamicEntry.
    Models a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_Float_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_Integer_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a constant pool entry for a dynamic call site.
    Marker interface for constant pool entries suitable for loading via the LDC instructions.
    Models a CONSTANT_Long_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a member reference constant in the constant pool of a classfile, which includes references to fields, methods, and interface methods.
    Models a CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_MethodRef_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_MethodType_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_Module_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_NameAndType_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_Package_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models an entry in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_String_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.
    Models a CONSTANT_UTF8_info constant in the constant pool of a classfile.