Interface NameAndTypeEntry

All Superinterfaces:

public sealed interface NameAndTypeEntry extends PoolEntry
Models a CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure, representing a field or method, in the constant pool of a class file.

The use of a NameAndTypeEntry is symbolically represented as a String name, and a ClassDesc or a MethodTypeDesc type, depending on where this NameAndTypeEntry appears. The accessors to the symbolic descriptors for the type is defined on a per-use-site basis, such as FieldRefEntry.typeSymbol() returning a ClassDesc, and MethodRefEntry.typeSymbol() returning a MethodTypeDesc.

A name and type entry is composite:

    Utf8Entry name,
    Utf8Entry type
where name is an unqualified name, and type is a field or method descriptor string.
See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.4.6 The CONSTANT_NameAndType_info Structure
  • Method Details

    • name

      Utf8Entry name()
      Returns the field or method name.
      the field or method name
    • type

      Utf8Entry type()
      Returns the field or method descriptor string. It is a method descriptor strings if it starts with (. Otherwise, it is a field descriptor string, and must start with one of the BCDFIJSZL[ characters.
      the field or method descriptor string