Interface AnnotationConstantValueEntry

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DoubleEntry, FloatEntry, IntegerEntry, LongEntry, Utf8Entry

public sealed interface AnnotationConstantValueEntry extends PoolEntry permits DoubleEntry, FloatEntry, IntegerEntry, LongEntry, Utf8Entry
Marker interface for constant pool entries that can represent constant values associated with elements of annotations. They are also the only entries that do not refer to other constant pool entries.
API Note:
An annotation constant value entry alone is not sufficient to determine the annotation constant; for example, an IntegerEntry of 1 can mean true in AnnotationValue.OfBoolean or 1 in AnnotationValue.OfInt.
See Java Virtual Machine Specification: The element_value structure
Sealed Class Hierarchy Graph:
Sealed class hierarchy graph for AnnotationConstantValueEntrySealed class hierarchy graph for AnnotationConstantValueEntry
See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • constantValue Link icon

      ConstantDesc constantValue()
      Returns the constant value. The constant value will be an Integer, Long, Float, Double for the primitive constants, or String for UTF8 constants.
      the constant value