Interface Utf8Entry

All Superinterfaces:
AnnotationConstantValueEntry, CharSequence, PoolEntry

public sealed interface Utf8Entry extends CharSequence, AnnotationConstantValueEntry
Models a CONSTANT_UTF8_info constant, representing strings, in the constant pool of a class file. This describes strings in the Modified UTF-8 format.

The use of a Utf8Entry is represented by a String. Conversions are through ConstantPoolBuilder.utf8Entry(String) and stringValue().

Some uses of Utf8Entry represent field or method descriptor strings, symbolically represented as ClassDesc or MethodTypeDesc, depending on where a Utf8Entry appear. Entries representing such uses are created with ConstantPoolBuilder.utf8Entry(ClassDesc) and ConstantPoolBuilder.utf8Entry(MethodTypeDesc), and they can be converted to symbolic descriptors on a per-use-site basis, such as in AnnotationValue.OfClass.classSymbol() and MethodModel.methodTypeSymbol().

Unlike most constant pool entries, a UTF-8 entry is of flexible length: it is represented as an array structure, with an u2 for the data length in bytes, followed by that number of bytes of Modified UTF-8 data. It can represent at most 65535 bytes of data due to the physical restrictions.

See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.4.7 The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • stringValue

      String stringValue()
      Returns the string value for this entry.
      API Note:
      A Utf8Entry can be used directly as a CharSequence if String functionalities are not strictly desired. If only string equivalence is desired, equalsString should be used. Reduction of string processing can significantly improve class file reading performance.
      the string value for this entry
      See Also:
    • equalsString

      boolean equalsString(String s)
      Returns whether this entry describes the same string as the provided string.
      s - the string to compare to
      whether this entry describes the same string as the provided string