Interface MemberRefEntry

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
FieldRefEntry, InterfaceMethodRefEntry, MethodRefEntry

public sealed interface MemberRefEntry extends PoolEntry permits FieldRefEntry, InterfaceMethodRefEntry, MethodRefEntry (not exhaustive)
Superinterface modeling symbolic references to a member of a class or interface in the constant pool of a class file, which include references to fields, class methods, and interface methods.

Different types of symbolic references to a member of a class or interface bear structural similarities and share parts of the resolution processes, and they can sometimes appear in the same locations. For example, both MethodRefEntry and InterfaceMethodRefEntry can appear in an invokestatic instruction.

A member reference entry is composite:

    ClassEntry owner,
    NameAndTypeEntry nameAndType
See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.4.2 The CONSTANT_Fieldref_info, CONSTANT_Methodref_info, and CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info Structures
Sealed Class Hierarchy Graph:
Sealed class hierarchy graph for MemberRefEntrySealed class hierarchy graph for MemberRefEntry
  • Method Details

    • owner

      ClassEntry owner()
      Returns the class or interface which this member belongs to.
      the class or interface which this member belongs to
    • nameAndType

      NameAndTypeEntry nameAndType()
      Returns the name and descriptor string of the member.
      the name and descriptor string of the member
    • name

      default Utf8Entry name()
      Returns the name of the member.
      the name of the member
    • type

      default Utf8Entry type()
      Returns the descriptor string of the member. This is a field descriptor string if this entry is a FieldRefEntry, or a method descriptor string if this entry is a MethodRefEntry or InterfaceMethodRefEntry.
      API Note:
      Each subinterface defines a typeSymbol() accessor for the symbolic descriptor for the member type.
      the descriptor string of the member