Interface ConstantDynamicEntry

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicConstantPoolEntry, LoadableConstantEntry, PoolEntry

public sealed interface ConstantDynamicEntry extends DynamicConstantPoolEntry, LoadableConstantEntry
Models a CONSTANT_Dynamic_info structure, representing a dynamically-computed constant, in the constant pool of a class file.

The use of a ConstantDynamicEntry is modeled by a DynamicConstantDesc. Conversions are through asSymbol() and ConstantPoolBuilder.constantDynamicEntry(DynamicConstantDesc).

A dynamic constant entry is composite:

    BootstrapMethodEntry bootstrap,
    NameAndTypeEntry nameAndType
where nameAndType.type() is a field descriptor string.
API Note:
A dynamically-computed constant is frequently called a dynamic constant, or a condy, from the abbreviation of "constant dynamic".
See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.4.10 The CONSTANT_Dynamic_info and CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info Structures
See Also: