Interface SourceIDAttribute

All Superinterfaces:
Attribute<SourceIDAttribute>, ClassElement, ClassFileElement

public sealed interface SourceIDAttribute extends Attribute<SourceIDAttribute>, ClassElement
Models the SourceID attribute, which records the last modified time of the source file from which this class file was compiled.

This attribute only appears on classes, and does not permit multiple instances in a class. It has a data dependency on the constant pool.

This attribute is not predefined in the Java SE Platform. This is a JDK-specific nonstandard attribute produced by the reference implementation of the system Java compiler, defined by the jdk.compiler module.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • sourceId

      Utf8Entry sourceId()
      Returns the source id. The source id is the last modified time of the source file (as reported by the file system, in milliseconds) when this class file is compiled.
      the source id
    • of

      static SourceIDAttribute of(Utf8Entry sourceId)
      Returns a SourceID attribute.
      sourceId - the source id
      a SourceID attribute
    • of

      static SourceIDAttribute of(String sourceId)
      Returns a SourceID attribute.
      sourceId - the source id
      a SourceID attribute