Interface AttributeMapper<A extends Attribute<A>>

Type Parameters:
A - the attribute type

public interface AttributeMapper<A extends Attribute<A>>
Bidirectional mapper between the class file representation of an attribute and its API model. The attribute mapper identifies an attribute by its name, and is used to parse the class file representation into a model, and to write the model representation back to a class file.

Attributes defines the mappers for predefined attributes in the JVMS and certain conventional attributes. For other attributes (JVMS 4.7.1), users can define their own AttributeMapper; classes that model those attributes should extend CustomAttribute. To read those attributes, user-defined AttributeMappers must be registered to the ClassFile.AttributeMapperOption.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
      Returns the name of the attribute.
      the name of the attribute
    • readAttribute

      A readAttribute(AttributedElement enclosing, ClassReader cf, int pos)
      Creates an Attribute instance from a class file for the Class-File API.

      This method is called by the Class-File API to support reading of attributes. Users should never call this method.

      The Class-File API makes these promises about the call to this method:

      • The Utf8Entry for the name of the attribute is accessible with cf.readEntry(pos - 6, Utf8Entry.class), and is validated;
      • The length of the attribute is accessible with cf.readInt(pos - 4), and is validated to be positive and not beyond the length of the class file;
      • The AttributedElement attribute access functionalities on the enclosing model may not be accessed when this method is called, but can be accessed later by the returned attribute when it is accessible to users.

      The returned Attribute must fulfill these requirements:

      API Note:
      Implementations of this method should perform minimal work to return an attribute, as this method is called even if the resulting attribute is never used. In particular, the implementation should avoid checking the validity of the attribute class file data or performing actions that may throw exceptions.
      enclosing - the structure in which this attribute appears
      cf - provides access to the class file to read from
      pos - the offset into the class file at which the contents of the attribute starts
      the read attribute
    • writeAttribute

      void writeAttribute(BufWriter buf, A attr)
      Writes an Attribute instance to a class file for the Class-File API.

      This method is called by the Class-File API to support writing of attributes. Users should never call this method.

      The Class-File API makes these promises about the call to this method:

      The class file writing must fulfill these requirements:

      • The attribute name u2 and attribute length u4 must be written to the buf;
      • attr.attributeName() is written as if with buf.writeIndex(attr.attributeName());
      • The attribute length is the length, in bytes, of attribute contents written to the buf, not including the 6 bytes used by the name and the length;
      • If any information in the API model of the attribute, attr, cannot be represented in the class file format of the attribute, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
      API Note:
      BufWriter.patchInt(int, int, int) can be used to update the attribute length after the attribute contents are written to the buf.
      buf - the BufWriter to which the attribute should be written
      attr - the attribute to write
      IllegalArgumentException - if some data in the API model of the attribute is invalid for the class file format
    • allowMultiple

      default boolean allowMultiple()
      Returns whether this attribute may appear more than once in one structure.

      If an attribute does not allow multiple instances in one structure, can be supplied to a ClassFileBuilder, and multiple instances of the attribute are supplied to the builder, the last supplied attribute appears on the built structure.

      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation returns false.
      whether this attribute may appear more than once in one structure
    • stability

      Returns the data dependency of this attribute on the class file.
      the data dependency of this attribute on the class file