Interface CompilationIDAttribute

All Superinterfaces:
Attribute<CompilationIDAttribute>, ClassElement, ClassFileElement

public sealed interface CompilationIDAttribute extends Attribute<CompilationIDAttribute>, ClassElement
Models the CompilationID attribute, which records the compilation time of the class file.

This attribute only appears on classes, and does not permit multiple instances in a class. It has a data dependency on the constant pool.

This attribute is not predefined in the Java SE Platform. This is a JDK-specific nonstandard attribute produced by the reference implementation of the system Java compiler, defined by the jdk.compiler module.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • compilationId

      Utf8Entry compilationId()
      Returns the compilation ID. The compilation ID is the string value of System.currentTimeMillis() when the class file is generated.
      the compilation ID
    • of

      Returns a CompilationID attribute.
      id - the compilation ID
      a CompilationID attribute
    • of

      Returns a CompilationID attribute.
      id - the compilation ID
      a CompilationID attribute