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  33 #include "opto/graphKit.hpp"
  34 #include "opto/subnode.hpp"
  36 class BytecodeParseHistogram;
  37 class InlineTree;
  38 class Parse;
  39 class SwitchRange;
  42 //------------------------------InlineTree-------------------------------------
  43 class InlineTree : public ResourceObj {
  44   Compile*    C;                  // cache
  45   JVMState*   _caller_jvms;       // state of caller
  46   ciMethod*   _method;            // method being called by the caller_jvms
  47   InlineTree* _caller_tree;
  48   uint        _count_inline_bcs;  // Accumulated count of inlined bytecodes
  49   // Call-site count / interpreter invocation count, scaled recursively.
  50   // Always between 0.0 and 1.0.  Represents the percentage of the method's
  51   // total execution time used at this call site.
  52   const float _site_invoke_ratio;
  53   const int   _site_depth_adjust;
  54   float compute_callee_frequency( int caller_bci ) const;
  56   GrowableArray<InlineTree*> _subtrees;
  57   friend class Compile;
  59 protected:
  60   InlineTree(Compile* C,
  61              const InlineTree* caller_tree,
  62              ciMethod* callee_method,
  63              JVMState* caller_jvms,
  64              int caller_bci,
  65              float site_invoke_ratio,
  66              int site_depth_adjust);
  67   InlineTree *build_inline_tree_for_callee(ciMethod* callee_method,
  68                                            JVMState* caller_jvms,
  69                                            int caller_bci);
  70   const char* try_to_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method, int caller_bci, ciCallProfile& profile, WarmCallInfo* wci_result);
  71   const char* should_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method, int caller_bci, ciCallProfile& profile, WarmCallInfo* wci_result) const;
  72   const char* should_not_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method, WarmCallInfo* wci_result) const;
  73   void        print_inlining(ciMethod *callee_method, int caller_bci, const char *failure_msg) const;
  75   InlineTree *caller_tree()       const { return _caller_tree;  }
  76   InlineTree* callee_at(int bci, ciMethod* m) const;
  77   int         inline_depth()      const { return stack_depth() + _site_depth_adjust; }
  78   int         stack_depth()       const { return _caller_jvms ? _caller_jvms->depth() : 0; }
  80 public:
  81   static InlineTree* build_inline_tree_root();
  82   static InlineTree* find_subtree_from_root(InlineTree* root, JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* callee, bool create_if_not_found = false);
  84   // For temporary (stack-allocated, stateless) ilts:
  85   InlineTree(Compile* c, ciMethod* callee_method, JVMState* caller_jvms, float site_invoke_ratio, int site_depth_adjust);
  87   // InlineTree enum
  88   enum InlineStyle {
  89     Inline_do_not_inline             =   0, //
  90     Inline_cha_is_monomorphic        =   1, //
  91     Inline_type_profile_monomorphic  =   2  //
  92   };
  94   // See if it is OK to inline.
  95   // The receiver is the inline tree for the caller.
  96   //
  97   // The result is a temperature indication.  If it is hot or cold,
  98   // inlining is immediate or undesirable.  Otherwise, the info block
  99   // returned is newly allocated and may be enqueued.
 100   //
 101   // If the method is inlinable, a new inline subtree is created on the fly,
 102   // and may be accessed by find_subtree_from_root.
 103   // The call_method is the dest_method for a special or static invocation.
 104   // The call_method is an optimized virtual method candidate otherwise.
 105   WarmCallInfo* ok_to_inline(ciMethod *call_method, JVMState* caller_jvms, ciCallProfile& profile, WarmCallInfo* wci);

  33 #include "opto/graphKit.hpp"
  34 #include "opto/subnode.hpp"
  36 class BytecodeParseHistogram;
  37 class InlineTree;
  38 class Parse;
  39 class SwitchRange;
  42 //------------------------------InlineTree-------------------------------------
  43 class InlineTree : public ResourceObj {
  44   Compile*    C;                  // cache
  45   JVMState*   _caller_jvms;       // state of caller
  46   ciMethod*   _method;            // method being called by the caller_jvms
  47   InlineTree* _caller_tree;
  48   uint        _count_inline_bcs;  // Accumulated count of inlined bytecodes
  49   // Call-site count / interpreter invocation count, scaled recursively.
  50   // Always between 0.0 and 1.0.  Represents the percentage of the method's
  51   // total execution time used at this call site.
  52   const float _site_invoke_ratio;
  53   const int   _max_inline_level;  // the maximum inline level for this sub-tree (may be adjusted)
  54   float compute_callee_frequency( int caller_bci ) const;
  56   GrowableArray<InlineTree*> _subtrees;
  57   friend class Compile;
  59 protected:
  60   InlineTree(Compile* C,
  61              const InlineTree* caller_tree,
  62              ciMethod* callee_method,
  63              JVMState* caller_jvms,
  64              int caller_bci,
  65              float site_invoke_ratio,
  66              int max_inline_level);
  67   InlineTree *build_inline_tree_for_callee(ciMethod* callee_method,
  68                                            JVMState* caller_jvms,
  69                                            int caller_bci);
  70   const char* try_to_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method, int caller_bci, ciCallProfile& profile, WarmCallInfo* wci_result);
  71   const char* should_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method, int caller_bci, ciCallProfile& profile, WarmCallInfo* wci_result) const;
  72   const char* should_not_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method, WarmCallInfo* wci_result) const;
  73   void        print_inlining(ciMethod *callee_method, int caller_bci, const char *failure_msg) const;
  75   InlineTree *caller_tree()       const { return _caller_tree;  }
  76   InlineTree* callee_at(int bci, ciMethod* m) const;
  77   int         inline_level()      const { return stack_depth(); }
  78   int         stack_depth()       const { return _caller_jvms ? _caller_jvms->depth() : 0; }
  80 public:
  81   static InlineTree* build_inline_tree_root();
  82   static InlineTree* find_subtree_from_root(InlineTree* root, JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* callee, bool create_if_not_found = false);
  84   // For temporary (stack-allocated, stateless) ilts:
  85   InlineTree(Compile* c, ciMethod* callee_method, JVMState* caller_jvms, float site_invoke_ratio, int max_inline_level);
  87   // InlineTree enum
  88   enum InlineStyle {
  89     Inline_do_not_inline             =   0, //
  90     Inline_cha_is_monomorphic        =   1, //
  91     Inline_type_profile_monomorphic  =   2  //
  92   };
  94   // See if it is OK to inline.
  95   // The receiver is the inline tree for the caller.
  96   //
  97   // The result is a temperature indication.  If it is hot or cold,
  98   // inlining is immediate or undesirable.  Otherwise, the info block
  99   // returned is newly allocated and may be enqueued.
 100   //
 101   // If the method is inlinable, a new inline subtree is created on the fly,
 102   // and may be accessed by find_subtree_from_root.
 103   // The call_method is the dest_method for a special or static invocation.
 104   // The call_method is an optimized virtual method candidate otherwise.
 105   WarmCallInfo* ok_to_inline(ciMethod *call_method, JVMState* caller_jvms, ciCallProfile& profile, WarmCallInfo* wci);

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