Module java.base

Class ValueLayout.OfShort

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static final class ValueLayout.OfShort extends ValueLayoutPREVIEW
OfShort is a preview API of the Java platform.
Programs can only use OfShort when preview features are enabled.
Preview features may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent features of the Java platform.
A value layout whose carrier is short.class.
  • Method Details

    • withName

      public ValueLayout.OfShortPREVIEW withName(String name)
      Description copied from interface: MemoryLayout
      Returns a memory layout with the same size and alignment constraints as this layout, but with the specified name.
      Specified by:
      withName in interface MemoryLayoutPREVIEW
      name - the layout name.
      a memory layout with the given name.
      See Also:
    • withBitAlignment

      public ValueLayout.OfShortPREVIEW withBitAlignment(long alignmentBits)
      Description copied from interface: MemoryLayout
      Returns a memory layout with the same size and name as this layout, but with the specified alignment constraints (in bits).
      Specified by:
      withBitAlignment in interface MemoryLayoutPREVIEW
      alignmentBits - the layout alignment constraint, expressed in bits.
      a memory layout with the given alignment constraints.
    • withOrder

      public ValueLayout.OfShortPREVIEW withOrder(ByteOrder order)
      Description copied from class: ValueLayout
      Returns a value layout with the same carrier, alignment constraints and name as this value layout, but with the specified byte order.
      withOrder in class ValueLayoutPREVIEW
      order - the desired byte order.
      a value layout with the given byte order.
    • name

      public final Optional<String> name()
      Description copied from interface: MemoryLayout
      Returns the name (if any) associated with this layout.
      Specified by:
      name in interface MemoryLayoutPREVIEW
      the name (if any) associated with this layout
      See Also:
    • bitAlignment

      public final long bitAlignment()
      Description copied from interface: MemoryLayout
      Returns the alignment constraint associated with this layout, expressed in bits. Layout alignment defines a power of two A which is the bit-wise alignment of the layout. If A <= 8 then A/8 is the number of bytes that must be aligned for any pointer that correctly points to this layout. Thus:
      • A=8 means unaligned (in the usual sense), which is common in packets.
      • A=64 means word aligned (on LP64), A=32 int aligned, A=16 short aligned, etc.
      • A=512 is the most strict alignment required by the x86/SV ABI (for AVX-512 data).
      If no explicit alignment constraint was set on this layout (see MemoryLayout.withBitAlignment(long)PREVIEW), then this method returns the natural alignment constraint (in bits) associated with this layout.
      Specified by:
      bitAlignment in interface MemoryLayoutPREVIEW
      the layout alignment constraint, in bits.
    • byteSize

      public long byteSize()
      Description copied from interface: MemoryLayout
      Returns the layout size, in bytes.
      Specified by:
      byteSize in interface MemoryLayoutPREVIEW
      the layout size, in bytes
    • bitSize

      public long bitSize()
      Description copied from interface: MemoryLayout
      Returns the layout size, in bits.
      Specified by:
      bitSize in interface MemoryLayoutPREVIEW
      the layout size, in bits
    • isPadding

      public boolean isPadding()
      Description copied from interface: MemoryLayout
      Returns true, if this layout is a padding layout.
      Specified by:
      isPadding in interface MemoryLayoutPREVIEW
      true, if this layout is a padding layout