Module java.base

Class DynamicCallSiteDesc


public class DynamicCallSiteDesc
extends Object
A nominal descriptor for an invokedynamic call site.

Concrete subtypes of DynamicCallSiteDesc must be value-based.

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static DynamicCallSiteDesc of​(DirectMethodHandleDesc bootstrapMethod, String invocationName, MethodTypeDesc invocationType, ConstantDesc... bootstrapArgs)
      Creates a nominal descriptor for an invokedynamic call site.
      bootstrapMethod - a DirectMethodHandleDesc describing the bootstrap method for the invokedynamic
      invocationName - The unqualified name that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic
      invocationType - a MethodTypeDesc describing the invocation type that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic
      bootstrapArgs - ConstantDescs describing the static arguments to the bootstrap, that would appear in the BootstrapMethods attribute
      the nominal descriptor
      NullPointerException - if any parameter is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the invocation name has the incorrect format
      See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
      4.2.2 Unqualified Names
    • of

      public static DynamicCallSiteDesc of​(DirectMethodHandleDesc bootstrapMethod, String invocationName, MethodTypeDesc invocationType)
      Creates a nominal descriptor for an invokedynamic call site whose bootstrap method has no static arguments.
      bootstrapMethod - The bootstrap method for the invokedynamic
      invocationName - The invocationName that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic
      invocationType - The invocation invocationType that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic
      the nominal descriptor
      NullPointerException - if any parameter is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the invocation name has the incorrect format
    • of

      public static DynamicCallSiteDesc of​(DirectMethodHandleDesc bootstrapMethod, MethodTypeDesc invocationType)
      Creates a nominal descriptor for an invokedynamic call site whose bootstrap method has no static arguments and for which the name parameter is ConstantDescs.DEFAULT_NAME.
      bootstrapMethod - a DirectMethodHandleDesc describing the bootstrap method for the invokedynamic
      invocationType - a MethodTypeDesc describing the invocation type that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic
      the nominal descriptor
      NullPointerException - if any parameter is null
    • withArgs

      public DynamicCallSiteDesc withArgs​(ConstantDesc... bootstrapArgs)
      Returns a nominal descriptor for an invokedynamic call site whose bootstrap method, name, and invocation type are the same as this one, but with the specified bootstrap arguments.
      bootstrapArgs - ConstantDescs describing the static arguments to the bootstrap, that would appear in the BootstrapMethods attribute
      the nominal descriptor
      NullPointerException - if any parameter is null
    • withNameAndType

      public DynamicCallSiteDesc withNameAndType​(String invocationName, MethodTypeDesc invocationType)
      Returns a nominal descriptor for an invokedynamic call site whose bootstrap and bootstrap arguments are the same as this one, but with the specified invocationName and invocation invocationType
      invocationName - The unqualified name that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic
      invocationType - a MethodTypeDesc describing the invocation type that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic
      the nominal descriptor
      NullPointerException - if any parameter is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the invocation name has the incorrect format
      See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
      4.2.2 Unqualified Names
    • invocationName

      public String invocationName()
      Returns the invocation name that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic.
      the invocation name
    • invocationType

      public MethodTypeDesc invocationType()
      Returns a MethodTypeDesc describing the invocation type that would appear in the NameAndType operand of the invokedynamic.
      the invocation type
    • bootstrapMethod

      public MethodHandleDesc bootstrapMethod()
      Returns a MethodHandleDesc describing the bootstrap method for the invokedynamic.
      the bootstrap method for the invokedynamic
    • bootstrapArgs

      public ConstantDesc[] bootstrapArgs()
      Returns ConstantDescs describing the bootstrap arguments for the invokedynamic. The returned array is always non-null. A zero length array is returned if this DynamicCallSiteDesc has no bootstrap arguments.
      the bootstrap arguments for the invokedynamic
    • resolveCallSiteDesc

      public CallSite resolveCallSiteDesc​(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup) throws Throwable
      Reflectively invokes the bootstrap method with the specified arguments, and return the resulting CallSite
      lookup - The MethodHandles.Lookup used to resolve class names
      the CallSite
      Throwable - if any exception is thrown by the bootstrap method
    • equals

      public final boolean equals​(Object o)
      Compares the specified object with this descriptor for equality. Returns true if and only if the specified object is also a DynamicCallSiteDesc, and both descriptors have equal bootstrap methods, bootstrap argument lists, invocation name, and invocation type.
      equals in class Object
      o - the DynamicCallSiteDesc to compare to this DynamicCallSiteDesc
      true if the specified DynamicCallSiteDesc is equal to this DynamicCallSiteDesc.
      See Also:
      Object.hashCode(), HashMap
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a compact textual description of this call site description, including the bootstrap method, the invocation name and type, and the static bootstrap arguments.
      toString in class Object
      A compact textual description of this call site descriptor