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*** 127,140 **** // Utility class describing element in ValueFactory parameter mapping class ValueFactoryParameterMappingElement VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC{ public: union data_t { ! u4 field_index; struct temp_t { ! u2 arg_index; ! u2 field_index; } temp; } data; }; class KlassSizeStats; --- 127,140 ---- // Utility class describing element in ValueFactory parameter mapping class ValueFactoryParameterMappingElement VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC{ public: union data_t { ! u4 field_index; // VM-internal field index as returned by fieldDescriptor::index() struct temp_t { ! u2 arg_index; // Index of argument in the attached factory method ! u2 field_index; // Index in the class file's constant pool } temp; } data; }; class KlassSizeStats;
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