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*** old/src/share/vm/interpreter/interpreterRuntime.cpp	Mon Nov  7 08:32:10 2016
--- new/src/share/vm/interpreter/interpreterRuntime.cpp	Mon Nov  7 08:32:10 2016

*** 962,971 **** --- 962,974 ---- CHECK); } } } // end JvmtiHideSingleStepping + assert(!(bytecode == Bytecodes::_invokedirect && info.call_kind() != CallInfo::direct_call), + "the target of a invokedirect bytecode must be a direct call"); + // check if link resolution caused cpCache to be updated ConstantPoolCacheEntry* cp_cache_entry = cache_entry(thread); if (cp_cache_entry->is_resolved(bytecode)) return; #ifdef ASSERT

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