573 if (code_size() != 5) return false;
574 if (size_of_parameters() != 1) return false;
575 if (java_code_at(0) != Bytecodes::_aload_0 ) return false;
576 if (java_code_at(1) != Bytecodes::_getfield) return false;
577 if (java_code_at(4) != Bytecodes::_areturn &&
578 java_code_at(4) != Bytecodes::_ireturn ) return false;
579 return true;
580 }
582 bool Method::is_constant_getter() const {
583 int last_index = code_size() - 1;
584 // Check if the first 1-3 bytecodes are a constant push
585 // and the last bytecode is a return.
586 return (2 <= code_size() && code_size() <= 4 &&
587 Bytecodes::is_const(java_code_at(0)) &&
588 Bytecodes::length_for(java_code_at(0)) == last_index &&
589 Bytecodes::is_return(java_code_at(last_index)));
590 }
592 bool Method::is_initializer() const {
593 return name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() || is_static_initializer();
594 }
596 bool Method::has_valid_initializer_flags() const {
597 return (is_static() ||
598 method_holder()->major_version() < 51);
599 }
601 bool Method::is_static_initializer() const {
602 // For classfiles version 51 or greater, ensure that the clinit method is
603 // static. Non-static methods with the name "<clinit>" are not static
604 // initializers. (older classfiles exempted for backward compatibility)
605 return name() == vmSymbols::class_initializer_name() &&
606 has_valid_initializer_flags();
607 }
610 objArrayHandle Method::resolved_checked_exceptions_impl(Method* this_oop, TRAPS) {
611 int length = this_oop->checked_exceptions_length();
612 if (length == 0) { // common case
613 return objArrayHandle(THREAD, Universe::the_empty_class_klass_array());
614 } else {
615 methodHandle h_this(THREAD, this_oop);
616 objArrayOop m_oop = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), length, CHECK_(objArrayHandle()));
617 objArrayHandle mirrors (THREAD, m_oop);
618 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
619 CheckedExceptionElement* table = h_this->checked_exceptions_start(); // recompute on each iteration, not gc safe
620 Klass* k = h_this->constants()->klass_at(table[i].class_cp_index, CHECK_(objArrayHandle()));
621 assert(k->is_subclass_of(SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass()), "invalid exception class");
622 mirrors->obj_at_put(i, k->java_mirror());
623 }
624 return mirrors;
625 }
626 };
573 if (code_size() != 5) return false;
574 if (size_of_parameters() != 1) return false;
575 if (java_code_at(0) != Bytecodes::_aload_0 ) return false;
576 if (java_code_at(1) != Bytecodes::_getfield) return false;
577 if (java_code_at(4) != Bytecodes::_areturn &&
578 java_code_at(4) != Bytecodes::_ireturn ) return false;
579 return true;
580 }
582 bool Method::is_constant_getter() const {
583 int last_index = code_size() - 1;
584 // Check if the first 1-3 bytecodes are a constant push
585 // and the last bytecode is a return.
586 return (2 <= code_size() && code_size() <= 4 &&
587 Bytecodes::is_const(java_code_at(0)) &&
588 Bytecodes::length_for(java_code_at(0)) == last_index &&
589 Bytecodes::is_return(java_code_at(last_index)));
590 }
592 bool Method::is_initializer() const {
593 return is_object_initializer() || is_static_initializer();
594 }
596 bool Method::has_valid_initializer_flags() const {
597 return (is_static() ||
598 method_holder()->major_version() < 51);
599 }
601 bool Method::is_static_initializer() const {
602 // For classfiles version 51 or greater, ensure that the clinit method is
603 // static. Non-static methods with the name "<clinit>" are not static
604 // initializers. (older classfiles exempted for backward compatibility)
605 return name() == vmSymbols::class_initializer_name() &&
606 has_valid_initializer_flags();
607 }
609 bool Method::is_object_initializer() const {
610 return name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name();
611 }
613 objArrayHandle Method::resolved_checked_exceptions_impl(Method* this_oop, TRAPS) {
614 int length = this_oop->checked_exceptions_length();
615 if (length == 0) { // common case
616 return objArrayHandle(THREAD, Universe::the_empty_class_klass_array());
617 } else {
618 methodHandle h_this(THREAD, this_oop);
619 objArrayOop m_oop = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), length, CHECK_(objArrayHandle()));
620 objArrayHandle mirrors (THREAD, m_oop);
621 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
622 CheckedExceptionElement* table = h_this->checked_exceptions_start(); // recompute on each iteration, not gc safe
623 Klass* k = h_this->constants()->klass_at(table[i].class_cp_index, CHECK_(objArrayHandle()));
624 assert(k->is_subclass_of(SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass()), "invalid exception class");
625 mirrors->obj_at_put(i, k->java_mirror());
626 }
627 return mirrors;
628 }
629 };