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 389             bc.number_of_pairs() < BinarySwitchThreshold
 390             ? Bytecodes::_fast_linearswitch
 391             : Bytecodes::_fast_binaryswitch
 392           );
 393 #endif
 394           break;
 395         }
 396         case Bytecodes::_fast_linearswitch:
 397         case Bytecodes::_fast_binaryswitch: {
 398 #ifndef CC_INTERP
 399           (*bcp) = Bytecodes::_lookupswitch;
 400 #endif
 401           break;
 402         }
 404         case Bytecodes::_invokespecial  : {
 405           rewrite_invokespecial(bcp, prefix_length+1, reverse, invokespecial_error);
 406           break;
 407         }

 409         case Bytecodes::_getstatic      : // fall through
 410         case Bytecodes::_putstatic      : // fall through
 411         case Bytecodes::_getfield       : // fall through
 412         case Bytecodes::_putfield       : // fall through
 413         case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual  : // fall through
 414         case Bytecodes::_invokestatic   :
 415         case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
 416         case Bytecodes::_invokehandle   : // if reverse=true
 417           rewrite_member_reference(bcp, prefix_length+1, reverse);
 418           break;
 419         case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic:
 420           rewrite_invokedynamic(bcp, prefix_length+1, reverse);
 421           break;
 422         case Bytecodes::_ldc:
 423         case Bytecodes::_fast_aldc:  // if reverse=true
 424           maybe_rewrite_ldc(bcp, prefix_length+1, false, reverse);
 425           break;
 426         case Bytecodes::_ldc_w:
 427         case Bytecodes::_fast_aldc_w:  // if reverse=true
 428           maybe_rewrite_ldc(bcp, prefix_length+1, true, reverse);
 429           break;
 430         case Bytecodes::_jsr            : // fall through
 431         case Bytecodes::_jsr_w          : nof_jsrs++;                   break;
 432         case Bytecodes::_monitorenter   : // fall through

 389             bc.number_of_pairs() < BinarySwitchThreshold
 390             ? Bytecodes::_fast_linearswitch
 391             : Bytecodes::_fast_binaryswitch
 392           );
 393 #endif
 394           break;
 395         }
 396         case Bytecodes::_fast_linearswitch:
 397         case Bytecodes::_fast_binaryswitch: {
 398 #ifndef CC_INTERP
 399           (*bcp) = Bytecodes::_lookupswitch;
 400 #endif
 401           break;
 402         }
 404         case Bytecodes::_invokespecial  : {
 405           rewrite_invokespecial(bcp, prefix_length+1, reverse, invokespecial_error);
 406           break;
 407         }
 409         case Bytecodes::_putstatic      :
 410         case Bytecodes::_putfield       : {
 411           // Check if any final field of the class given as parameter is modified
 412           // outside of initializer methods of the class. Fields that are modified
 413           // are marked with a flag. For marked fields, the compilers do not perform
 414           // constant folding (as the field can be changed after initialization).
 415           //
 416           // The check is performed after verification and only if verification has
 417           // succeeded. Therefore, the class is guaranteed to be well-formed.
 418           InstanceKlass* klass = method->method_holder();
 419           u2 bc_index = Bytes::get_Java_u2(bcp + prefix_length + 1);
 420           constantPoolHandle cp(method->constants());
 421           Symbol* field_name = cp->name_ref_at(bc_index);
 422           Symbol* field_sig = cp->signature_ref_at(bc_index);
 423           Symbol* ref_class_name = cp->klass_name_at(cp->klass_ref_index_at(bc_index));
 425           if (klass->name() == ref_class_name) {
 426             fieldDescriptor fd;
 427             klass->find_field(field_name, field_sig, &fd);
 428             if (fd.access_flags().is_final()) {
 429               if (fd.access_flags().is_static()) {
 430                 assert(c == Bytecodes::_putstatic, "must be putstatic");
 431                 if (!method->is_static_initializer()) {
 432                   fd.set_has_initialized_final_update(true);
 433                 }
 434               } else {
 435                 assert(c == Bytecodes::_putfield, "must be putfield");
 436                 if (!method->is_object_initializer()) {
 437                   fd.set_has_initialized_final_update(true);
 438                 }
 439               }
 440             }
 441           }
 442         }
 443         // fall through
 444         case Bytecodes::_getstatic      : // fall through

 445         case Bytecodes::_getfield       : // fall through

 446         case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual  : // fall through
 447         case Bytecodes::_invokestatic   :
 448         case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
 449         case Bytecodes::_invokehandle   : // if reverse=true
 450           rewrite_member_reference(bcp, prefix_length+1, reverse);
 451           break;
 452         case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic:
 453           rewrite_invokedynamic(bcp, prefix_length+1, reverse);
 454           break;
 455         case Bytecodes::_ldc:
 456         case Bytecodes::_fast_aldc:  // if reverse=true
 457           maybe_rewrite_ldc(bcp, prefix_length+1, false, reverse);
 458           break;
 459         case Bytecodes::_ldc_w:
 460         case Bytecodes::_fast_aldc_w:  // if reverse=true
 461           maybe_rewrite_ldc(bcp, prefix_length+1, true, reverse);
 462           break;
 463         case Bytecodes::_jsr            : // fall through
 464         case Bytecodes::_jsr_w          : nof_jsrs++;                   break;
 465         case Bytecodes::_monitorenter   : // fall through

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