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 173   // Check whether o is a valid oper.
 174   static bool notAnOper(const MachOper *o) {
 175     if (o == NULL)                   return true;
 176     if (((intptr_t)o & 1) != 0)      return true;
 177     if (*(address*)o == badAddress)  return true;  // kill by Node::destruct
 178     return false;
 179   }
 180 #endif // !PRODUCT
 181 };
 183 //------------------------------MachNode---------------------------------------
 184 // Base type for all machine specific nodes.  All node classes generated by the
 185 // ADLC inherit from this class.
 186 class MachNode : public Node {
 187 public:
 188   MachNode() : Node((uint)0), _num_opnds(0), _opnds(NULL) {
 189     init_class_id(Class_Mach);
 190   }
 191   // Required boilerplate
 192   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(MachNode); }
 193   virtual int  Opcode() const;          // Always equal to MachNode
 194   virtual uint rule() const = 0;        // Machine-specific opcode
 195   // Number of inputs which come before the first operand.
 196   // Generally at least 1, to skip the Control input
 197   virtual uint oper_input_base() const { return 1; }
 198   // Position of constant base node in node's inputs. -1 if
 199   // no constant base node input.
 200   virtual uint mach_constant_base_node_input() const { return (uint)-1; }
 202   // Copy inputs and operands to new node of instruction.
 203   // Called from cisc_version() and short_branch_version().
 204   // !!!! The method's body is defined in ad_<arch>.cpp file.
 205   void fill_new_machnode(MachNode *n) const;
 207   // Return an equivalent instruction using memory for cisc_operand position
 208   virtual MachNode *cisc_version(int offset);
 209   // Modify this instruction's register mask to use stack version for cisc_operand
 210   virtual void use_cisc_RegMask();
 212   // Support for short branches
 213   bool may_be_short_branch() const { return (flags() & Flag_may_be_short_branch) != 0; }

 692 //------------------------------MachProjNode----------------------------------
 693 // Machine-dependent Ideal projections (how is that for an oxymoron).  Really
 694 // just MachNodes made by the Ideal world that replicate simple projections
 695 // but with machine-dependent input & output register masks.  Generally
 696 // produced as part of calling conventions.  Normally I make MachNodes as part
 697 // of the Matcher process, but the Matcher is ill suited to issues involving
 698 // frame handling, so frame handling is all done in the Ideal world with
 699 // occasional callbacks to the machine model for important info.
 700 class MachProjNode : public ProjNode {
 701 public:
 702   MachProjNode( Node *multi, uint con, const RegMask &out, uint ideal_reg ) : ProjNode(multi,con), _rout(out), _ideal_reg(ideal_reg) {
 703     init_class_id(Class_MachProj);
 704   }
 705   RegMask _rout;
 706   const uint  _ideal_reg;
 707   enum projType {
 708     unmatched_proj = 0,         // Projs for Control, I/O, memory not matched
 709     fat_proj       = 999        // Projs killing many regs, defined by _rout
 710   };
 711   virtual int   Opcode() const;
 712   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 713   virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 714   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const { return RegMask::Empty; }
 715   virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const { return _rout; }
 716   virtual uint  ideal_reg() const { return _ideal_reg; }
 717   // Need size_of() for virtual ProjNode::clone()
 718   virtual uint  size_of() const { return sizeof(MachProjNode); }
 719 #ifndef PRODUCT
 720   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 721 #endif
 722 };
 724 //------------------------------MachIfNode-------------------------------------
 725 // Machine-specific versions of IfNodes
 726 class MachIfNode : public MachBranchNode {
 727   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Size is bigger
 728 public:
 729   float _prob;                  // Probability branch goes either way
 730   float _fcnt;                  // Frequency counter
 731   MachIfNode() : MachBranchNode() {

 173   // Check whether o is a valid oper.
 174   static bool notAnOper(const MachOper *o) {
 175     if (o == NULL)                   return true;
 176     if (((intptr_t)o & 1) != 0)      return true;
 177     if (*(address*)o == badAddress)  return true;  // kill by Node::destruct
 178     return false;
 179   }
 180 #endif // !PRODUCT
 181 };
 183 //------------------------------MachNode---------------------------------------
 184 // Base type for all machine specific nodes.  All node classes generated by the
 185 // ADLC inherit from this class.
 186 class MachNode : public Node {
 187 public:
 188   MachNode() : Node((uint)0), _num_opnds(0), _opnds(NULL) {
 189     init_class_id(Class_Mach);
 190   }
 191   // Required boilerplate
 192   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(MachNode); }
 193   virtual uint Opcode() const;          // Always equal to MachNode
 194   virtual uint rule() const = 0;        // Machine-specific opcode
 195   // Number of inputs which come before the first operand.
 196   // Generally at least 1, to skip the Control input
 197   virtual uint oper_input_base() const { return 1; }
 198   // Position of constant base node in node's inputs. -1 if
 199   // no constant base node input.
 200   virtual uint mach_constant_base_node_input() const { return (uint)-1; }
 202   // Copy inputs and operands to new node of instruction.
 203   // Called from cisc_version() and short_branch_version().
 204   // !!!! The method's body is defined in ad_<arch>.cpp file.
 205   void fill_new_machnode(MachNode *n) const;
 207   // Return an equivalent instruction using memory for cisc_operand position
 208   virtual MachNode *cisc_version(int offset);
 209   // Modify this instruction's register mask to use stack version for cisc_operand
 210   virtual void use_cisc_RegMask();
 212   // Support for short branches
 213   bool may_be_short_branch() const { return (flags() & Flag_may_be_short_branch) != 0; }

 692 //------------------------------MachProjNode----------------------------------
 693 // Machine-dependent Ideal projections (how is that for an oxymoron).  Really
 694 // just MachNodes made by the Ideal world that replicate simple projections
 695 // but with machine-dependent input & output register masks.  Generally
 696 // produced as part of calling conventions.  Normally I make MachNodes as part
 697 // of the Matcher process, but the Matcher is ill suited to issues involving
 698 // frame handling, so frame handling is all done in the Ideal world with
 699 // occasional callbacks to the machine model for important info.
 700 class MachProjNode : public ProjNode {
 701 public:
 702   MachProjNode( Node *multi, uint con, const RegMask &out, uint ideal_reg ) : ProjNode(multi,con), _rout(out), _ideal_reg(ideal_reg) {
 703     init_class_id(Class_MachProj);
 704   }
 705   RegMask _rout;
 706   const uint  _ideal_reg;
 707   enum projType {
 708     unmatched_proj = 0,         // Projs for Control, I/O, memory not matched
 709     fat_proj       = 999        // Projs killing many regs, defined by _rout
 710   };
 711   virtual uint  Opcode() const;
 712   virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
 713   virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const;
 714   virtual const RegMask &in_RegMask(uint) const { return RegMask::Empty; }
 715   virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const { return _rout; }
 716   virtual uint  ideal_reg() const { return _ideal_reg; }
 717   // Need size_of() for virtual ProjNode::clone()
 718   virtual uint  size_of() const { return sizeof(MachProjNode); }
 719 #ifndef PRODUCT
 720   virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
 721 #endif
 722 };
 724 //------------------------------MachIfNode-------------------------------------
 725 // Machine-specific versions of IfNodes
 726 class MachIfNode : public MachBranchNode {
 727   virtual uint size_of() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Size is bigger
 728 public:
 729   float _prob;                  // Probability branch goes either way
 730   float _fcnt;                  // Frequency counter
 731   MachIfNode() : MachBranchNode() {

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