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*** 551,560 **** --- 551,561 ---- // In support of multi-threaded concurrent phases YieldingFlexibleWorkGang* _conc_workers; // Performance Counters CollectorCounters* _gc_counters; + CollectorCounters* _cgc_counters; // Initialization Errors bool _completed_initialization; // In support of ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent
*** 926,935 **** --- 927,937 ---- NOT_PRODUCT(bool is_cms_reachable(HeapWord* addr);) // Performance Counter Support CollectorCounters* counters() { return _gc_counters; } + CollectorCounters* cgc_counters() { return _cgc_counters; } // Timer stuff void startTimer() { assert(!_timer.is_active(), "Error"); _timer.start(); } void stopTimer() { assert( _timer.is_active(), "Error"); _timer.stop(); } void resetTimer() { assert(!_timer.is_active(), "Error"); _timer.reset(); }
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