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rev 58060 : [mq]: 8238999-iklam-review

*** 49,82 **** _page_size(os::vm_page_size()), _byte_map_size(0), _byte_map(NULL), _byte_map_base(NULL), _cur_covered_regions(0), ! _covered(NULL), ! _committed(NULL), _guard_region() { assert((uintptr_t(_whole_heap.start()) & (card_size - 1)) == 0, "heap must start at card boundary"); assert((uintptr_t(_whole_heap.end()) & (card_size - 1)) == 0, "heap must end at card boundary"); assert(card_size <= 512, "card_size must be less than 512"); // why? - - _covered = new MemRegion[_max_covered_regions]; - if (_covered == NULL) { - vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not allocate card table covered region set."); - } } CardTable::~CardTable() { ! if (_covered) { ! delete[] _covered; ! _covered = NULL; ! } ! if (_committed) { ! delete[] _committed; ! _committed = NULL; ! } } void CardTable::initialize() { _guard_index = cards_required(_whole_heap.word_size()) - 1; _last_valid_index = _guard_index - 1; --- 49,71 ---- _page_size(os::vm_page_size()), _byte_map_size(0), _byte_map(NULL), _byte_map_base(NULL), _cur_covered_regions(0), ! _covered(MemRegion::create(_max_covered_regions, mtGC)), ! _committed(MemRegion::create(_max_covered_regions, mtGC)), _guard_region() { assert((uintptr_t(_whole_heap.start()) & (card_size - 1)) == 0, "heap must start at card boundary"); assert((uintptr_t(_whole_heap.end()) & (card_size - 1)) == 0, "heap must end at card boundary"); assert(card_size <= 512, "card_size must be less than 512"); // why? } CardTable::~CardTable() { ! FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(MemRegion, _covered); ! FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(MemRegion, _committed); } void CardTable::initialize() { _guard_index = cards_required(_whole_heap.word_size()) - 1; _last_valid_index = _guard_index - 1;
*** 85,98 **** HeapWord* low_bound = _whole_heap.start(); HeapWord* high_bound = _whole_heap.end(); _cur_covered_regions = 0; - _committed = new MemRegion[_max_covered_regions]; - if (_committed == NULL) { - vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not allocate card table committed region set."); - } const size_t rs_align = _page_size == (size_t) os::vm_page_size() ? 0 : MAX2(_page_size, (size_t) os::vm_allocation_granularity()); ReservedSpace heap_rs(_byte_map_size, rs_align, false); --- 74,83 ----
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