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rev 49684 : imported patch 8201487-do-not-rebalance-with-serial-processing

  38 import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
  39 import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools;
  40 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  41 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
  43 public class TestPrintReferences {
  44   static String output;
  45   static final String doubleRegex = "[0-9]+[.,][0-9]+";
  46   static final String referenceProcessing = "Reference Processing";
  47   static final String softReference = "SoftReference";
  48   static final String weakReference = "WeakReference";
  49   static final String finalReference = "FinalReference";
  50   static final String phantomReference = "PhantomReference";
  51   static final String phase1 = "Phase1";
  52   static final String phase2 = "Phase2";
  53   static final String phase3 = "Phase3";
  54   static final String gcLogTimeRegex = ".* GC\\([0-9]+\\) ";
  56   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  57     ProcessBuilder pb_enabled = ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder("-Xlog:gc+phases+ref=debug",
  58                                                                       "-XX:+UseG1GC",
  59                                                                       "-Xmx32M",
  60                                                                       // Explicit thread setting is required to avoid using only 1 thread

  61                                                                       "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2",
  62                                                                       GCTest.class.getName());
  63     OutputAnalyzer output = new OutputAnalyzer(pb_enabled.start());
  65     checkLogFormat(output);
  66     checkLogValue(output);
  68     output.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
  69   }
  71   static String indent(int count) {
  72     return " {" + count + "}";
  73   }
  75   // Find the first Reference Processing log and check its format.
  76   public static void checkLogFormat(OutputAnalyzer output) {
  77     String countRegex = "[0-9]+";
  78     String timeRegex = doubleRegex + "ms";
  79     String totalRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(4) + referenceProcessing + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  80     String balanceRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Balance queues: " + timeRegex + "\n";
  81     String softRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + softReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  82     String weakRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + weakReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  83     String finalRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + finalReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  84     String phantomRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + phantomReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  85     String refDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase2 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" +
  86                             gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase3 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" +
  87                             gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Discovered: " + countRegex + "\n" +
  88                             gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Cleared: " + countRegex + "\n";
  89     String softRefDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase1 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" + refDetailRegex;
  90     String enqueueRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(4) + "Reference Enqueuing: " + timeRegex + "\n";
  91     String enqueueDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + "Reference Counts:  Soft: " + countRegex +
  92                                 "  Weak: " + countRegex + "  Final: " + countRegex + "  Phantom: " + countRegex + "\n";
  94     output.shouldMatch(/* Total Reference processing time */
  95                        totalRegex +
  96                        /* SoftReference processing */
  97                        softRefRegex + balanceRegex + softRefDetailRegex +
  98                        /* WeakReference processing */
  99                        weakRefRegex + balanceRegex + refDetailRegex +
 100                        /* FinalReference processing */

  38 import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
  39 import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools;
  40 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
  41 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
  43 public class TestPrintReferences {
  44   static String output;
  45   static final String doubleRegex = "[0-9]+[.,][0-9]+";
  46   static final String referenceProcessing = "Reference Processing";
  47   static final String softReference = "SoftReference";
  48   static final String weakReference = "WeakReference";
  49   static final String finalReference = "FinalReference";
  50   static final String phantomReference = "PhantomReference";
  51   static final String phase1 = "Phase1";
  52   static final String phase2 = "Phase2";
  53   static final String phase3 = "Phase3";
  54   static final String gcLogTimeRegex = ".* GC\\([0-9]+\\) ";
  56   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  57     test(true);
  58     test(false);
  59   }
  61   static String indent(int count) {
  62     return " {" + count + "}";
  63   }
  65   public static void test(boolean parallelRefProcEnabled) throws Exception {
  66     ProcessBuilder pb_enabled = ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder("-Xlog:gc+phases+ref=debug",
  67                                                                       "-XX:+UseG1GC",
  68                                                                       "-Xmx32M",
  69                                                                       // Explicit thread setting is required to avoid using only 1 thread
  70                                                                       "-XX:" + (parallelRefProcEnabled ? "+" : "-") + "ParallelRefProcEnabled",
  71                                                                       "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2",
  72                                                                       GCTest.class.getName());
  73     OutputAnalyzer output = new OutputAnalyzer(pb_enabled.start());
  75     checkLogFormat(output, parallelRefProcEnabled);
  76     checkLogValue(output);
  78     output.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
  79   }

  81   // Find the first Reference Processing log and check its format.
  82   public static void checkLogFormat(OutputAnalyzer output, boolean parallelRefProcEnabled) {
  83     String countRegex = "[0-9]+";
  84     String timeRegex = doubleRegex + "ms";
  85     String totalRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(4) + referenceProcessing + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  86     String balanceRegex = parallelRefProcEnabled ? gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Balance queues: " + timeRegex + "\n" : "";
  87     String softRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + softReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  88     String weakRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + weakReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  89     String finalRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + finalReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  90     String phantomRefRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + phantomReference + ": " + timeRegex + "\n";
  91     String refDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase2 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" +
  92                             gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase3 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" +
  93                             gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Discovered: " + countRegex + "\n" +
  94                             gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + "Cleared: " + countRegex + "\n";
  95     String softRefDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(8) + phase1 + ": " + timeRegex + "\n" + refDetailRegex;
  96     String enqueueRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(4) + "Reference Enqueuing: " + timeRegex + "\n";
  97     String enqueueDetailRegex = gcLogTimeRegex + indent(6) + "Reference Counts:  Soft: " + countRegex +
  98                                 "  Weak: " + countRegex + "  Final: " + countRegex + "  Phantom: " + countRegex + "\n";
 100     output.shouldMatch(/* Total Reference processing time */
 101                        totalRegex +
 102                        /* SoftReference processing */
 103                        softRefRegex + balanceRegex + softRefDetailRegex +
 104                        /* WeakReference processing */
 105                        weakRefRegex + balanceRegex + refDetailRegex +
 106                        /* FinalReference processing */

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