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rev 9314 : imported patch 8136679-jfr-event-for-dynamic-ihop

 352       <value type="BYTES64" field="wasted" label="Wasted" description="Total memory wasted within PLABs due to alignment or refill"/>
 353       <value type="BYTES64" field="used" label="Used" description="Total memory occupied by objects within PLABs"/>
 354       <value type="BYTES64" field="undoWaste" label="Undo Wasted" description="Total memory wasted due to allocation undo within PLABs"/>
 355       <value type="BYTES64" field="regionEndWaste" label="Region End Wasted" description="Total memory wasted at the end of regions due to refill"/>
 356       <value type="UINT" field="regionsRefilled" label="Region Refills" description="Total memory wasted at the end of regions due to refill"/>
 357       <value type="BYTES64" field="directAllocated" label="Allocated (direct)" description="Total memory allocated using direct allocation outside of PLABs"/>
 358       <value type="BYTES64" field="failureUsed" label="Used (failure)" description="Total memory occupied by objects in regions where evacuation failed"/>
 359       <value type="BYTES64" field="failureWaste" label="Wasted (failure)" description="Total memory left unused in regions where evacuation failed"/>
 360     </struct>
 362     <event id="GCG1EvacuationYoungStatistics" path="vm/gc/detailed/g1_evac_young_stats" label="G1 Evacuation Statistics for Young" is_instant="true"
 363            description="Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the young generation">
 364       <structvalue type="G1EvacStats" field="stats" label="Evacuation statistics"/>
 365     </event>
 367     <event id="GCG1EvacuationOldStatistics" path="vm/gc/detailed/g1_evac_old_stats" label="G1 Evacuation Memory Statistics for Old" is_instant="true"
 368            description="Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the old generation">
 369       <structvalue type="G1EvacStats" field="stats" label="Evacuation statistics"/>
 370     </event>

 372     <!-- Promotion events, Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. -->
 373     <event id="PromoteObjectInNewPLAB" path="vm/gc/detailed/object_promotion_in_new_PLAB" label="Promotion in new PLAB"
 374         description="Object survived scavenge and was copied to a new Promotion Local Allocation Buffer (PLAB). Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects." 
 375            has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="false" is_instant="true">
 376       <value type="UINT" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" description="ID of GC during which the object was promoted"/>
 377       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of promoted object"/>
 378       <value type="BYTES64" field="objectSize" label="Object Size" description="Size of promoted object"/>
 379       <value type="UINT" field="tenuringAge" label="Object Tenuring Age" description="Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0."/>
 380       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="tenured" label="Tenured" description="True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space"/>
 381       <value type="BYTES64" field="plabSize" label="PLAB Size" description="Size of the allocated PLAB to which the object was copied"/>
 382     </event>
 384     <event id="PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB" path="vm/gc/detailed/object_promotion_outside_PLAB" label="Promotion outside PLAB"
 385         description="Object survived scavenge and was copied directly to the heap. Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects." 
 386            has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="false" is_instant="true">
 387       <value type="UINT" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" description="ID of GC during which the object was promoted"/>
 388       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of promoted object"/>
 389       <value type="BYTES64" field="objectSize" label="Object Size" description="Size of promoted object"/>
 390       <value type="UINT" field="tenuringAge" label="Object Tenuring Age" description="Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0."/>
 391       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="tenured" label="Tenured" description="True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space"/>

 352       <value type="BYTES64" field="wasted" label="Wasted" description="Total memory wasted within PLABs due to alignment or refill"/>
 353       <value type="BYTES64" field="used" label="Used" description="Total memory occupied by objects within PLABs"/>
 354       <value type="BYTES64" field="undoWaste" label="Undo Wasted" description="Total memory wasted due to allocation undo within PLABs"/>
 355       <value type="BYTES64" field="regionEndWaste" label="Region End Wasted" description="Total memory wasted at the end of regions due to refill"/>
 356       <value type="UINT" field="regionsRefilled" label="Region Refills" description="Total memory wasted at the end of regions due to refill"/>
 357       <value type="BYTES64" field="directAllocated" label="Allocated (direct)" description="Total memory allocated using direct allocation outside of PLABs"/>
 358       <value type="BYTES64" field="failureUsed" label="Used (failure)" description="Total memory occupied by objects in regions where evacuation failed"/>
 359       <value type="BYTES64" field="failureWaste" label="Wasted (failure)" description="Total memory left unused in regions where evacuation failed"/>
 360     </struct>
 362     <event id="GCG1EvacuationYoungStatistics" path="vm/gc/detailed/g1_evac_young_stats" label="G1 Evacuation Statistics for Young" is_instant="true"
 363            description="Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the young generation">
 364       <structvalue type="G1EvacStats" field="stats" label="Evacuation statistics"/>
 365     </event>
 367     <event id="GCG1EvacuationOldStatistics" path="vm/gc/detailed/g1_evac_old_stats" label="G1 Evacuation Memory Statistics for Old" is_instant="true"
 368            description="Memory related evacuation statistics during GC for the old generation">
 369       <structvalue type="G1EvacStats" field="stats" label="Evacuation statistics"/>
 370     </event>
 372     <event id="GCG1BasicIHOP" path="vm/gc/detailed/g1_basic_ihop_status" label="G1 Basic IHOP statistics" is_instant="true"
 373            description="Basic statistics related to current IHOP calculation">
 374       <value type="UINT" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 375       <value type="BYTES64" field="threshold" label="Current IHOP threshold" description="Current IHOP threshold in bytes"/>
 376       <value type="BYTES64" field="thresholdPercentage" label="Current IHOP threshold in percent" description="Current IHOP threshold in percent of old gen"/>
 377       <value type="BYTES64" field="targetOccupancy" label="Target occupancy" description="Target old gen occupancy to reach at the start of mixed GC in bytes"/>
 378       <value type="BYTES64" field="currentOccupancy" label="Current occupancy" description="Current old gen occupancy in bytes"/>
 379       <value type="BYTES64" field="lastAllocationSize" label="Last mutator allocation size" description="Mutator allocation during mutator operation since last GC in bytes"/>
 380       <value type="DOUBLE" field="lastAllocationDuration" label="Last mutator operation duration" description="Time the mutator ran since last GC in seconds"/>
 381       <value type="DOUBLE" field="lastAllocationRate" label="Last mutator allocation rate" description="Allocation rate of the mutator since last GC in bytes/seconds"/>
 382       <value type="DOUBLE" field="lastMarkingLength" label="Last mutator time from initial mark to first mixed GC" description="Last time from the end of the last initial mark to the first mixed GC in seconds"/>
 383     </event>
 385     <event id="GCG1AdaptiveIHOP" path="vm/gc/detailed/g1_adaptive_ihop_status" label="G1 Adaptive IHOP statistics" is_instant="true"
 386            description="Statistics related to current adaptive IHOP calculation">
 387       <value type="UINT" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 388       <value type="BYTES64" field="additionalBufferSize" label="Additional buffer size" description="Additional buffer size in bytes"/>
 389       <value type="DOUBLE" field="predictedAllocationRate" label="Predicted mutator allocation rate" description="Current predicted allocation rate for the mutator in bytes/second"/>
 390       <value type="DOUBLE" field="predictedMarkingLength" label="Predicted time from initial mark to first mixed GC" description="Current predicted time from the end of the last initial mark to the first mixed GC in seconds"/>
 391       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="predictionActive" label="Prediction active" description="Indicates whether the adaptive IHOP prediction is active"/>
 392     </event>
 394     <!-- Promotion events, Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. -->
 395     <event id="PromoteObjectInNewPLAB" path="vm/gc/detailed/object_promotion_in_new_PLAB" label="Promotion in new PLAB"
 396         description="Object survived scavenge and was copied to a new Promotion Local Allocation Buffer (PLAB). Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects." 
 397            has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="false" is_instant="true">
 398       <value type="UINT" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" description="ID of GC during which the object was promoted"/>
 399       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of promoted object"/>
 400       <value type="BYTES64" field="objectSize" label="Object Size" description="Size of promoted object"/>
 401       <value type="UINT" field="tenuringAge" label="Object Tenuring Age" description="Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0."/>
 402       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="tenured" label="Tenured" description="True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space"/>
 403       <value type="BYTES64" field="plabSize" label="PLAB Size" description="Size of the allocated PLAB to which the object was copied"/>
 404     </event>
 406     <event id="PromoteObjectOutsidePLAB" path="vm/gc/detailed/object_promotion_outside_PLAB" label="Promotion outside PLAB"
 407         description="Object survived scavenge and was copied directly to the heap. Supported GCs are Parallel Scavange, G1 and CMS with Parallel New. Due to promotion being done in parallel an object might be reported multiple times as the GC threads race to copy all objects." 
 408            has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="false" is_instant="true">
 409       <value type="UINT" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" description="ID of GC during which the object was promoted"/>
 410       <value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of promoted object"/>
 411       <value type="BYTES64" field="objectSize" label="Object Size" description="Size of promoted object"/>
 412       <value type="UINT" field="tenuringAge" label="Object Tenuring Age" description="Tenuring age of a surviving object before being copied. The tenuring age of an object is a value between 0-15 and is incremented each scavange the object survives. Newly allocated objects have tenuring age 0."/>
 413       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="tenured" label="Tenured" description="True if object was promoted to Old space, otherwise the object was aged and copied to a Survivor space"/>

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