1 /*
   2  * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
   3  * @bug 7196163
   4  * @summary Twr with resource variables of parametrized types
   5  * @compile/fail/ref=TwrAndTypeVariables.out -XDrawDiagnostics TwrAndTypeVariables.java
   6  */
   8 public class TwrAndTypeVariables {
  10     // positive
  11     public static <S extends Readable & AutoCloseable,
  12                    T extends Appendable & AutoCloseable>
  13     void copy(S s, T t) throws Exception {
  14         try (s; t;) {
  15         }
  16     }
  18     // negative
  19     public static <S> void copy(S s) throws Exception {
  20         try (s) {
  21         }
  22     }
  23 }