1 /*
   2  * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
   3  * @bug 7196163
   4  * @summary Twr with resource variables declared as anonymous class instance
   5  * @compile/fail/ref=TwrAndAnonymousClass.out -XDrawDiagnostics TwrAndAnonymousClass.java
   6  */
   8 public class TwrAndAnonymousClass {
  10     public static void main(String... args) {
  12         // positive: anonymous class implementing AutoCloseable as variable in twr
  13         AutoCloseable r1 = new AutoCloseable() {
  14             public void close() { };
  15         };
  16         try (r1) {
  17         } catch (Exception e) {}
  19         // positive: declaration of anonymous class implementing AutoCloseable in twr
  20         try (AutoCloseable r2 = new AutoCloseable() { public void close() { }; };) {
  21         } catch (Exception e) {}
  23         // negative: not AutoCloseable anonymous class as variable in twr
  24         Object o1 = new Object() {
  25             public void close() { };
  26         };
  27         try (o1) {
  28         } catch (Exception e) {}
  30         // negative: declaration of not AutoCloseable anonymous class in twr
  31         try (Object o2 = new Object() { public void close() { }; };) {
  32         } catch (Exception e) {}
  33     }
  34 }