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   5   <title>Standard Metadata Format Specification</title>
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  32 <body>
  34 <h1>Standard (Plug-in Neutral) Metadata Format Specification</h1>
  36 <p> The plug-in neutral "javax_imageio_1.0" format consists
  37 of a root node named "javax_imageio_1.0" which has child
  38 nodes "chroma", "compression", "dimension", "document", "text",
  39 "tile", and "transparency".  The format is described by the
  40 following DTD:
  42 <pre>
  43 &lt;!DOCTYPE "javax_imageio_1.0" [
  45   &lt;!ELEMENT "javax_imageio_1.0" (Chroma?, Compression?, Data?, Dimension?,
  46     Document?, Text?, Transparency?)&gt;
  48     &lt;!ELEMENT "Chroma" (ColorSpaceType?, NumChannels?, Gamma?,
  49       BlackIsZero?, Palette?, BackgroundIndex?, BackgroundColor?)&gt;
  50       &lt;!-- Chroma (color) information --&gt;
  52       &lt;!ELEMENT "ColorSpaceType" EMPTY&gt;
  53         &lt;!-- The raw color space of the image --&gt;
  54         &lt;!ATTLIST "ColorSpaceType" "name" ("XYZ" | "Lab" | "Luv" |
  55           "YCbCr" | "Yxy" | "YCCK" | "PhotoYCC" | "RGB" | "GRAY" | "HSV" |
  56           "HLS" | "CMYK" | "CMY" | "2CLR" | "3CLR" | "4CLR" | "5CLR" |
  57           "6CLR" | "7CLR" | "8CLR" | "9CLR" | "ACLR" | "BCLR" | "CCLR" |
  58           "DCLR" | "ECLR" | "FCLR") #REQUIRED&gt;
  60       &lt;!ELEMENT "NumChannels" EMPTY&gt;
  61         &lt;!-- The number of channels in the raw image, including alpha --&gt;
  62         &lt;!ATTLIST "NumChannels" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
  63           &lt;!-- Data type: List of Integer --&gt;
  65       &lt;!ELEMENT "Gamma" EMPTY&gt;
  66         &lt;!-- The image gamma --&gt;
  67         &lt;!ATTLIST "Gamma" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
  68           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
  70       &lt;!ELEMENT "BlackIsZero" EMPTY&gt;
  71         &lt;!-- True if smaller values represent darker shades --&gt;
  72         &lt;!ATTLIST "BlackIsZero" "value" ("TRUE" | "FALSE") "TRUE"&gt;
  74       &lt;!ELEMENT "Palette" (PaletteEntry)*&gt;
  75         &lt;!-- Palette-color information --&gt;
  77         &lt;!ELEMENT "PaletteEntry" EMPTY&gt;
  78           &lt;!-- A palette entry --&gt;
  79           &lt;!ATTLIST "PaletteEntry" "index" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
  80             &lt;!-- The index of the palette entry --&gt;
  81             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
  82           &lt;!ATTLIST "PaletteEntry" "red" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
  83             &lt;!-- The red value for the palette entry --&gt;
  84             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
  85           &lt;!ATTLIST "PaletteEntry" "green" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
  86             &lt;!-- The green value for the palette entry --&gt;
  87             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
  88           &lt;!ATTLIST "PaletteEntry" "blue" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
  89             &lt;!-- The blue value for the palette entry --&gt;
  90             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
  91           &lt;!ATTLIST "PaletteEntry" "alpha" #CDATA "255"&gt;
  92             &lt;!-- The alpha value for the palette entry --&gt;
  93             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
  95       &lt;!ELEMENT "BackgroundIndex" EMPTY&gt;
  96         &lt;!-- A palette index to be used as a background --&gt;
  97         &lt;!ATTLIST "BackgroundIndex" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
  98           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 100       &lt;!ELEMENT "BackgroundColor" EMPTY&gt;
 101         &lt;!-- An RGB triple to be used as a background --&gt;
 102         &lt;!ATTLIST "BackgroundColor" "red" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 103           &lt;!-- The red background value --&gt;
 104           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 105         &lt;!ATTLIST "BackgroundColor" "green" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 106           &lt;!-- The green background value --&gt;
 107           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 108         &lt;!ATTLIST "BackgroundColor" "blue" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 109           &lt;!-- The blue background value --&gt;
 110           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 112     &lt;!ELEMENT "Compression" (CompressionTypeName?, Lossless?,
 113       NumProgressiveScans?, BitRate?)&gt;
 114       &lt;!-- Compression information --&gt;
 116       &lt;!ELEMENT "CompressionTypeName" EMPTY&gt;
 117         &lt;!-- The name of the compression scheme in use --&gt;
 118         &lt;!ATTLIST "CompressionTypeName" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 119           &lt;!-- Data type: String --&gt;
 121       &lt;!ELEMENT "Lossless" EMPTY&gt;
 122         &lt;!-- True if the compression scheme is lossless --&gt;
 123         &lt;!ATTLIST "Lossless" "value" ("TRUE" | "FALSE") "TRUE"&gt;
 125       &lt;!ELEMENT "NumProgressiveScans" EMPTY&gt;
 126         &lt;!-- The number of progressive scans used in the image encoding --&gt;
 127         &lt;!ATTLIST "NumProgressiveScans" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 128           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 130       &lt;!ELEMENT "BitRate" EMPTY&gt;
 131         &lt;!-- The estimated bit rate of the compression scheme --&gt;
 132         &lt;!ATTLIST "BitRate" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 133           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 135     &lt;!ELEMENT "Data" (PlanarConfiguration?, SampleFormat?, BitsPerSample?,
 136       SignificantBitsPerSample?, SampleMSB?)&gt;
 137       &lt;!-- Information on the image layout --&gt;
 139       &lt;!ELEMENT "PlanarConfiguration" EMPTY&gt;
 140         &lt;!-- The organization of image samples in the stream --&gt;
 141         &lt;!ATTLIST "PlanarConfiguration" "value" ("PixelInterleaved" |
 142           "PlaneInterleaved" | "LineInterleaved" | "TileInterleaved")
 143            #REQUIRED&gt;
 145       &lt;!ELEMENT "SampleFormat" EMPTY&gt;
 146         &lt;!-- The numeric format of image samples --&gt;
 147         &lt;!ATTLIST "SampleFormat" "value" ("SignedIntegral" |
 148           "UnsignedIntegral" | "Real" | "Index") #REQUIRED&gt;
 150       &lt;!ELEMENT "BitsPerSample" EMPTY&gt;
 151         &lt;!-- The number of bits per sample --&gt;
 152         &lt;!ATTLIST "BitsPerSample" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 153           &lt;!-- A list of integers, one per channel --&gt;
 154           &lt;!-- Data type: List of Integer --&gt;
 155           &lt;!-- Min length: 1 --&gt;
 157       &lt;!ELEMENT "SignificantBitsPerSample" EMPTY&gt;
 158         &lt;!-- The number of significant bits per sample --&gt;
 159         &lt;!ATTLIST "SignificantBitsPerSample" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 160           &lt;!-- A list of integers, one per channel --&gt;
 161           &lt;!-- Data type: List of Integer --&gt;
 162           &lt;!-- Min length: 1 --&gt;
 164       &lt;!ELEMENT "SampleMSB" EMPTY&gt;
 165         &lt;!-- The position of the most significant bit of each sample --&gt;
 166         &lt;!ATTLIST "SampleMSB" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 167           &lt;!-- A list of integers, one per channel --&gt;
 168           &lt;!-- Data type: List of Integer --&gt;
 169           &lt;!-- Min length: 1 --&gt;
 171     &lt;!ELEMENT "Dimension" (PixelAspectRatio?, ImageOrientation?,
 172       HorizontalPixelSize?, VerticalPixelSize?,
 173       HorizontalPhysicalPixelSpacing?, VerticalPhysicalPixelSpacing?,
 174       HorizontalPosition?, VerticalPosition?, HorizontalPixelOffset?,
 175       VerticalPixelOffset?, HorizontalScreenSize?, VerticalScreenSize?)&gt;
 176       &lt;!-- Dimension information --&gt;
 178       &lt;!ELEMENT "PixelAspectRatio" EMPTY&gt;
 179         &lt;!-- The width of a pixel divided by its height --&gt;
 180         &lt;!ATTLIST "PixelAspectRatio" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 181           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 183       &lt;!ELEMENT "ImageOrientation" EMPTY&gt;
 184         &lt;!-- The desired orientation of the image in terms of flips and
 185              counter-clockwise rotations --&gt;
 186         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageOrientation" "value" ("Normal" | "Rotate90" |
 187           "Rotate180" | "Rotate270" | "FlipH" | "FlipV" |
 188           "FlipHRotate90" | "FlipVRotate90") #REQUIRED&gt;
 190       &lt;!ELEMENT "HorizontalPixelSize" EMPTY&gt;
 191         &lt;!-- The width of a pixel, in millimeters, as it should be rendered
 192              on media --&gt;
 193         &lt;!ATTLIST "HorizontalPixelSize" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 194           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 196       &lt;!ELEMENT "VerticalPixelSize" EMPTY&gt;
 197         &lt;!-- The height of a pixel, in millimeters, as it should be
 198              rendered on media --&gt;
 199         &lt;!ATTLIST "VerticalPixelSize" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 200           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 202       &lt;!ELEMENT "HorizontalPhysicalPixelSpacing" EMPTY&gt;
 203         &lt;!-- The horizontal distance in the subject of the image, in
 204              millimeters, represented by one pixel at the center of the
 205              image --&gt;
 206         &lt;!ATTLIST "HorizontalPhysicalPixelSpacing" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 207           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 209       &lt;!ELEMENT "VerticalPhysicalPixelSpacing" EMPTY&gt;
 210         &lt;!-- The vertical distance in the subject of the image, in
 211              millimeters, represented by one pixel at the center of the
 212              image --&gt;
 213         &lt;!ATTLIST "VerticalPhysicalPixelSpacing" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 214           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 216       &lt;!ELEMENT "HorizontalPosition" EMPTY&gt;
 217         &lt;!-- The horizontal position, in millimeters, where the image
 218              should be rendered on media --&gt;
 219         &lt;!ATTLIST "HorizontalPosition" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 220           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 222       &lt;!ELEMENT "VerticalPosition" EMPTY&gt;
 223         &lt;!-- The vertical position, in millimeters, where the image should
 224              be rendered on media --&gt;
 225         &lt;!ATTLIST "VerticalPosition" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 226           &lt;!-- Data type: Float --&gt;
 228       &lt;!ELEMENT "HorizontalPixelOffset" EMPTY&gt;
 229         &lt;!-- The horizontal position, in pixels, where the image should be
 230              rendered onto a raster display --&gt;
 231         &lt;!ATTLIST "HorizontalPixelOffset" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 232           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 234       &lt;!ELEMENT "VerticalPixelOffset" EMPTY&gt;
 235         &lt;!-- The vertical position, in pixels, where the image should be
 236              rendered onto a raster display --&gt;
 237         &lt;!ATTLIST "VerticalPixelOffset" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 238           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 240       &lt;!ELEMENT "HorizontalScreenSize" EMPTY&gt;
 241         &lt;!-- The width, in pixels, of the raster display into which the
 242              image should be rendered --&gt;
 243         &lt;!ATTLIST "HorizontalScreenSize" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 244           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 246       &lt;!ELEMENT "VerticalScreenSize" EMPTY&gt;
 247         &lt;!-- The height, in pixels, of the raster display into which the
 248              image should be rendered --&gt;
 249         &lt;!ATTLIST "VerticalScreenSize" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 250           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 252     &lt;!ELEMENT "Document" (FormatVersion?, SubimageInterpretation?,
 253       ImageCreationTime?, ImageModificationTime?)&gt;
 254       &lt;!-- Document information --&gt;
 256       &lt;!ELEMENT "FormatVersion" EMPTY&gt;
 257         &lt;!-- The version of the format used by the stream --&gt;
 258         &lt;!ATTLIST "FormatVersion" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 259           &lt;!-- Data type: String --&gt;
 261       &lt;!ELEMENT "SubimageInterpretation" EMPTY&gt;
 262         &lt;!-- The interpretation of this image in relation to the other
 263              images stored in the same stream --&gt;
 264         &lt;!ATTLIST "SubimageInterpretation" "value" ("Standalone" |
 265           "SinglePage" | "FullResolution" | "ReducedResolution" |
 266           "PyramidLayer" | "Preview" | "VolumeSlice" | "ObjectView" |
 267           "Panorama" | "AnimationFrame" | "TransparencyMask" |
 268           "CompositingLayer" | "SpectralSlice" | "Unknown") #REQUIRED&gt;
 270       &lt;!ELEMENT "ImageCreationTime" EMPTY&gt;
 271         &lt;!-- The time of image creation --&gt;
 272         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageCreationTime" "year" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 273           &lt;!-- The full year (e.g., 1967, not 67) --&gt;
 274           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 275         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageCreationTime" "month" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 276           &lt;!-- The month, with January = 1 --&gt;
 277           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 278           &lt;!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) --&gt;
 279           &lt;!-- Max value: 12 (inclusive) --&gt;
 280         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageCreationTime" "day" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 281           &lt;!-- The day of the month --&gt;
 282           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 283           &lt;!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) --&gt;
 284           &lt;!-- Max value: 31 (inclusive) --&gt;
 285         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageCreationTime" "hour" #CDATA "0"&gt;
 286           &lt;!-- The hour from 0 to 23 --&gt;
 287           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 288           &lt;!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) --&gt;
 289           &lt;!-- Max value: 23 (inclusive) --&gt;
 290         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageCreationTime" "minute" #CDATA "0"&gt;
 291           &lt;!-- The minute from 0 to 59 --&gt;
 292           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 293           &lt;!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) --&gt;
 294           &lt;!-- Max value: 59 (inclusive) --&gt;
 295         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageCreationTime" "second" #CDATA "0"&gt;
 296           &lt;!-- The second from 0 to 60 (60 = leap second) --&gt;
 297           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 298           &lt;!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) --&gt;
 299           &lt;!-- Max value: 60 (inclusive) --&gt;
 301       &lt;!ELEMENT "ImageModificationTime" EMPTY&gt;
 302         &lt;!-- The time of the last image modification --&gt;
 303         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageModificationTime" "year" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 304           &lt;!-- The full year (e.g., 1967, not 67) --&gt;
 305           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 306         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageModificationTime" "month" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 307           &lt;!-- The month, with January = 1 --&gt;
 308           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 309           &lt;!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) --&gt;
 310           &lt;!-- Max value: 12 (inclusive) --&gt;
 311         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageModificationTime" "day" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 312           &lt;!-- The day of the month --&gt;
 313           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 314           &lt;!-- Min value: 1 (inclusive) --&gt;
 315           &lt;!-- Max value: 31 (inclusive) --&gt;
 316         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageModificationTime" "hour" #CDATA "0"&gt;
 317           &lt;!-- The hour from 0 to 23 --&gt;
 318           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 319           &lt;!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) --&gt;
 320           &lt;!-- Max value: 23 (inclusive) --&gt;
 321         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageModificationTime" "minute" #CDATA "0"&gt;
 322           &lt;!-- The minute from 0 to 59 --&gt;
 323           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 324           &lt;!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) --&gt;
 325           &lt;!-- Max value: 59 (inclusive) --&gt;
 326         &lt;!ATTLIST "ImageModificationTime" "second" #CDATA "0"&gt;
 327           &lt;!-- The second from 0 to 60 (60 = leap second) --&gt;
 328           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 329           &lt;!-- Min value: 0 (inclusive) --&gt;
 330           &lt;!-- Max value: 60 (inclusive) --&gt;
 332     &lt;!ELEMENT "Text" (TextEntry)*&gt;
 333       &lt;!-- Text information --&gt;
 335       &lt;!ELEMENT "TextEntry" EMPTY&gt;
 336         &lt;!-- A text entry --&gt;
 337         &lt;!ATTLIST "TextEntry" "keyword" #CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
 338           &lt;!-- A keyword associated with the text entry --&gt;
 339           &lt;!-- Data type: String --&gt;
 340         &lt;!ATTLIST "TextEntry" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 341           &lt;!-- the text entry --&gt;
 342           &lt;!-- Data type: String --&gt;
 343         &lt;!ATTLIST "TextEntry" "language" #CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
 344           &lt;!-- The language of the text --&gt;
 345           &lt;!-- Data type: String --&gt;
 346         &lt;!ATTLIST "TextEntry" "encoding" #CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
 347           &lt;!-- The encoding of the text --&gt;
 348           &lt;!-- Data type: String --&gt;
 349         &lt;!ATTLIST "TextEntry" "compression" ("none" | "lzw" | "zip" |
 350           "bzip" | "other") "none"&gt;
 351           &lt;!-- The method used to compress the text --&gt;
 353     &lt;!ELEMENT "Transparency" (Alpha?, TransparentIndex?,
 354       TransparentColor?, TileTransparencies?, TileOpacities?)&gt;
 355       &lt;!-- Transparency information --&gt;
 357       &lt;!ELEMENT "Alpha" EMPTY&gt;
 358         &lt;!-- The type of alpha information contained in the image --&gt;
 359         &lt;!ATTLIST "Alpha" "value" ("none" | "premultiplied" |
 360           "nonpremultiplied") "none"&gt;
 362       &lt;!ELEMENT "TransparentIndex" EMPTY&gt;
 363         &lt;!-- A palette index to be treated as transparent --&gt;
 364         &lt;!ATTLIST "TransparentIndex" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 365           &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 367       &lt;!ELEMENT "TransparentColor" EMPTY&gt;
 368         &lt;!-- An RGB color to be treated as transparent --&gt;
 369         &lt;!ATTLIST "TransparentColor" "value" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 370           &lt;!-- Data type: List of Integer --&gt;
 372       &lt;!ELEMENT "TileTransparencies" (TransparentTile)*&gt;
 373         &lt;!-- A list of completely transparent tiles --&gt;
 375         &lt;!ELEMENT "TransparentTile" EMPTY&gt;
 376           &lt;!-- The index of a completely transparent tile --&gt;
 377           &lt;!ATTLIST "TransparentTile" "x" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 378             &lt;!-- The tile's X index --&gt;
 379             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 380           &lt;!ATTLIST "TransparentTile" "y" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 381             &lt;!-- The tile's Y index --&gt;
 382             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 384       &lt;!ELEMENT "TileOpacities" (OpaqueTile)*&gt;
 385         &lt;!-- A list of completely opaque tiles --&gt;
 387         &lt;!ELEMENT "OpaqueTile" EMPTY&gt;
 388           &lt;!-- The index of a completely opaque tile --&gt;
 389           &lt;!ATTLIST "OpaqueTile" "x" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 390             &lt;!-- The tile's X index --&gt;
 391             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 392           &lt;!ATTLIST "OpaqueTile" "y" #CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 393             &lt;!-- The tile's Y index --&gt;
 394             &lt;!-- Data type: Integer --&gt;
 395 ]&gt;
 396 </pre>
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 399 </html>