Package Summary  Overview Summary

class:SynthUI [NONE]

method:getContext(javax.swing.JComponent) [NONE]

  • getContext

    SynthContext getContext​(JComponent c)
    Returns the Context for the specified component.
    c - Component requesting SynthContext.
    SynthContext describing component.

method:paintBorder(javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext, java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int, int) [NONE]

  • paintBorder

    void paintBorder​(SynthContext context,
                     Graphics g,
                     int x,
                     int y,
                     int w,
                     int h)
    Paints the border.
    context - a component context
    g - Graphics to paint on
    x - the X coordinate
    y - the Y coordinate
    w - width of the border
    h - height of the border