Module java.desktop

Class AccessibleTextSequence

  • public class AccessibleTextSequence
    extends Object
    This class collects together key details of a span of text. It is used by implementors of the class AccessibleExtendedText in order to return the requested triplet of a String, and the start and end indicies/offsets into a larger body of text that the String comes from.
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • startIndex

        public int startIndex
        The start index of the text sequence
      • endIndex

        public int endIndex
        The end index of the text sequence
      • text

        public String text
        The text
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessibleTextSequence

        public AccessibleTextSequence​(int start,
                                      int end,
                                      String txt)
        Constructs an AccessibleTextSequence with the given parameters.
        start - the beginning index of the span of text
        end - the ending index of the span of text
        txt - the String shared by this text span