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// note: can have vtables with >2**16 elements (because of inheritance)
#ifdef CC_INTERP
int _result_index; // C++ interpreter needs for converting results to/from stack
u2 _intrinsic_id; // vmSymbols::intrinsic_id (0 == _none)
+ u2 _accessor_field_name;
// Flags
enum Flags {
_jfr_towrite = 1 << 0,
_caller_sensitive = 1 << 1,
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// Support for inlining of intrinsic methods
vmIntrinsics::ID intrinsic_id() const { return (vmIntrinsics::ID) _intrinsic_id; }
void set_intrinsic_id(vmIntrinsics::ID id) { _intrinsic_id = (u2) id; }
+ // Accessor-Method
+ u2 accessor_field_name() { return _accessor_field_name; }
+ void set_accessor_field_name(u2 field_name) { _accessor_field_name = field_name; }
// Helper routines for intrinsic_id() and vmIntrinsics::method().
void init_intrinsic_id(); // updates from _none if a match
static vmSymbols::SID klass_id_for_intrinsics(Klass* holder);
bool jfr_towrite() {
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