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 572   // compute auxiliary field attributes
 573   TosState state  = as_TosState(info.field_type());
 575   // We need to delay resolving put instructions on final fields
 576   // until we actually invoke one. This is required so we throw
 577   // exceptions at the correct place. If we do not resolve completely
 578   // in the current pass, leaving the put_code set to zero will
 579   // cause the next put instruction to reresolve.
 580   Bytecodes::Code put_code = (Bytecodes::Code)0;
 582   // We also need to delay resolving getstatic instructions until the
 583   // class is intitialized.  This is required so that access to the static
 584   // field will call the initialization function every time until the class
 585   // is completely initialized ala. in 2.17.5 in JVM Specification.
 586   InstanceKlass* klass = InstanceKlass::cast(info.field_holder());
 587   bool uninitialized_static = ((bytecode == Bytecodes::_getstatic || bytecode == Bytecodes::_putstatic) &&
 588                                !klass->is_initialized());
 589   Bytecodes::Code get_code = (Bytecodes::Code)0;

 591   if (!uninitialized_static) {
 592     get_code = ((is_static) ? Bytecodes::_getstatic : Bytecodes::_getfield);
 593     if (is_put || !info.access_flags().is_final()) {
 594       put_code = ((is_static) ? Bytecodes::_putstatic : Bytecodes::_putfield);
 595     }
 596   }
 598   cp_cache_entry->set_field(
 599     get_code,
 600     put_code,
 601     info.field_holder(),
 602     info.index(),
 603     info.offset(),
 604     state,
 605     info.access_flags().is_final(),
 606     info.access_flags().is_volatile(),
 607     pool->pool_holder()
 608   );

 609 }
 612 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 613 // Synchronization
 614 //
 615 // The interpreter's synchronization code is factored out so that it can
 616 // be shared by method invocation and synchronized blocks.
 617 //%note synchronization_3
 619 //%note monitor_1
 620 IRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC(void, InterpreterRuntime::monitorenter(JavaThread* thread, BasicObjectLock* elem))
 621 #ifdef ASSERT
 622   thread->last_frame().interpreter_frame_verify_monitor(elem);
 623 #endif
 624   if (PrintBiasedLockingStatistics) {
 625     Atomic::inc(BiasedLocking::slow_path_entry_count_addr());
 626   }
 627   Handle h_obj(thread, elem->obj());
 628   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved_or_null(h_obj()),

 572   // compute auxiliary field attributes
 573   TosState state  = as_TosState(info.field_type());
 575   // We need to delay resolving put instructions on final fields
 576   // until we actually invoke one. This is required so we throw
 577   // exceptions at the correct place. If we do not resolve completely
 578   // in the current pass, leaving the put_code set to zero will
 579   // cause the next put instruction to reresolve.
 580   Bytecodes::Code put_code = (Bytecodes::Code)0;
 582   // We also need to delay resolving getstatic instructions until the
 583   // class is intitialized.  This is required so that access to the static
 584   // field will call the initialization function every time until the class
 585   // is completely initialized ala. in 2.17.5 in JVM Specification.
 586   InstanceKlass* klass = InstanceKlass::cast(info.field_holder());
 587   bool uninitialized_static = ((bytecode == Bytecodes::_getstatic || bytecode == Bytecodes::_putstatic) &&
 588                                !klass->is_initialized());
 589   Bytecodes::Code get_code = (Bytecodes::Code)0;
 592   if (info.is_accessor()) {
 593       // If it is an accessor (not a real field) change bytecode
 594       // semantic to be a call to the accessor-method)
 595       InstanceKlass* current_klass = method(thread)->method_holder();
 596       // find method based on get/put
 597       Method* m =  klass->method_with_idnum(is_put
 598         ? info.get_put_accessor() 
 599         : info.get_get_accessor()
 600       );
 602       // Create a linkinfo to resolve the method
 603       LinkInfo linfo(klass,m->name(),m->signature(),current_klass,true);
 605       // Resolve static/non-static method and initialize cp_cache_entry
 606       // accordingly
 607       if (is_static) {
 608         methodHandle mh = LinkResolver::resolve_static_call_or_null(linfo);
 609         cp_cache_entry->set_direct_call(
 610           Bytecodes::_invokestatic,
 611           mh);
 612       }else {
 613         methodHandle mh = LinkResolver::resolve_virtual_call_or_null(klass,linfo);
 614         cp_cache_entry->set_vtable_call(
 615           Bytecodes::_invokevirtual,
 616           mh,
 617           m->vtable_index());
 618       }
 620   }else {
 621     if (!uninitialized_static) {
 622       get_code = ((is_static) ? Bytecodes::_getstatic : Bytecodes::_getfield);
 623       if (is_put || !info.access_flags().is_final()) {
 624         put_code = ((is_static) ? Bytecodes::_putstatic : Bytecodes::_putfield);
 625       }
 626     }
 628     cp_cache_entry->set_field(
 629       get_code,
 630       put_code,
 631       info.field_holder(),
 632       info.index(),
 633       info.offset(),
 634       state,
 635       info.access_flags().is_final(),
 636       info.access_flags().is_volatile(),
 637       pool->pool_holder()
 638     );
 639   }
 640 }
 643 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 644 // Synchronization
 645 //
 646 // The interpreter's synchronization code is factored out so that it can
 647 // be shared by method invocation and synchronized blocks.
 648 //%note synchronization_3
 650 //%note monitor_1
 651 IRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC(void, InterpreterRuntime::monitorenter(JavaThread* thread, BasicObjectLock* elem))
 652 #ifdef ASSERT
 653   thread->last_frame().interpreter_frame_verify_monitor(elem);
 654 #endif
 655   if (PrintBiasedLockingStatistics) {
 656     Atomic::inc(BiasedLocking::slow_path_entry_count_addr());
 657   }
 658   Handle h_obj(thread, elem->obj());
 659   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved_or_null(h_obj()),

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