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*** 1814,1823 ****
--- 1814,2028 ----
adjust_map_after_if(untaken_btest, c, untaken_prob, next_block);
void Parse::do_acmp(BoolTest::mask btest, Node* a, Node* b) {
+ ciMethod* subst_method = ciEnv::current()->ValueBootstrapMethods_klass()->find_method(ciSymbol::isSubstitutable_name(), ciSymbol::object_object_boolean_signature());
+ // If current method is ValueBootstrapMethods::isSubstitutable(),
+ // compile the acmp as a regular pointer comparison otherwise we
+ // could call ValueBootstrapMethods::isSubstitutable() back
+ if (ACmpOnValues == 0 || !EnableValhalla || method() == subst_method) {
+ Node* cmp = CmpP(a, b);
+ cmp = optimize_cmp_with_klass(cmp);
+ do_if(btest, cmp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ACmpOnValues == 3) {
+ // Substituability test
+ if (a->is_ValueType()) {
+ inc_sp(2);
+ a = a->as_ValueType()->allocate(this, true)->get_oop();
+ dec_sp(2);
+ }
+ if (b->is_ValueType()) {
+ inc_sp(2);
+ b = b->as_ValueType()->allocate(this, true)->get_oop();
+ dec_sp(2);
+ }
+ const TypeOopPtr* ta = _gvn.type(a)->isa_oopptr();
+ const TypeOopPtr* tb = _gvn.type(b)->isa_oopptr();
+ if (ta == NULL || !ta->can_be_value_type() ||
+ tb == NULL || !tb->can_be_value_type()) {
+ Node* cmp = CmpP(a, b);
+ cmp = optimize_cmp_with_klass(cmp);
+ do_if(btest, cmp);
+ return;
+ }
+ Node* cmp = CmpP(a, b);
+ cmp = optimize_cmp_with_klass(cmp);
+ Node* eq_region = NULL;
+ if (btest == BoolTest::eq) {
+ do_if(btest, cmp, true);
+ if (stopped()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(btest == BoolTest::ne, "only eq or ne");
+ Node* is_not_equal = NULL;
+ eq_region = new RegionNode(3);
+ {
+ PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
+ do_if(btest, cmp, false, &is_not_equal);
+ if (!stopped()) {
+ eq_region->init_req(1, control());
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_not_equal == NULL || is_not_equal->is_top()) {
+ record_for_igvn(eq_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(eq_region));
+ return;
+ }
+ set_control(is_not_equal);
+ }
+ // Pointers not equal, check for values
+ Node* ne_region = new RegionNode(6);
+ inc_sp(2);
+ Node* null_ctl = top();
+ Node* not_null_a = null_check_oop(a, &null_ctl, !too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_null_check), false, false);
+ dec_sp(2);
+ ne_region->init_req(1, null_ctl);
+ if (stopped()) {
+ record_for_igvn(ne_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(ne_region));
+ if (btest == BoolTest::ne) {
+ {
+ PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
+ int target_bci = iter().get_dest();
+ merge(target_bci);
+ }
+ record_for_igvn(eq_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(eq_region));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ Node* is_value = is_always_locked(not_null_a);
+ Node* value_mask = _gvn.MakeConX(markOopDesc::always_locked_pattern);
+ Node* is_value_cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpXNode(is_value, value_mask));
+ Node* is_value_bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(is_value_cmp, BoolTest::ne));
+ IfNode* is_value_iff = create_and_map_if(control(), is_value_bol, PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
+ Node* not_value = _gvn.transform(new IfTrueNode(is_value_iff));
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(new IfFalseNode(is_value_iff)));
+ ne_region->init_req(2, not_value);
+ // One of the 2 pointers refer to a value, check if both are of
+ // the same class
+ inc_sp(2);
+ null_ctl = top();
+ Node* not_null_b = null_check_oop(b, &null_ctl, !too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_null_check), false, false);
+ dec_sp(2);
+ ne_region->init_req(3, null_ctl);
+ if (stopped()) {
+ record_for_igvn(ne_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(ne_region));
+ if (btest == BoolTest::ne) {
+ {
+ PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
+ int target_bci = iter().get_dest();
+ merge(target_bci);
+ }
+ record_for_igvn(eq_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(eq_region));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ Node* kls_a = load_object_klass(not_null_a);
+ Node* kls_b = load_object_klass(not_null_b);
+ Node* kls_cmp = CmpP(kls_a, kls_b);
+ Node* kls_bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(kls_cmp, BoolTest::ne));
+ IfNode* kls_iff = create_and_map_if(control(), kls_bol, PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
+ Node* kls_ne = _gvn.transform(new IfTrueNode(kls_iff));
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(new IfFalseNode(kls_iff)));
+ ne_region->init_req(4, kls_ne);
+ if (stopped()) {
+ record_for_igvn(ne_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(ne_region));
+ if (btest == BoolTest::ne) {
+ {
+ PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
+ int target_bci = iter().get_dest();
+ merge(target_bci);
+ }
+ record_for_igvn(eq_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(eq_region));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Both are values of the same class, we need to perform a
+ // substituability test. Delegate to
+ // ValueBootstrapMethods::isSubstitutable().
+ Node* ne_io_phi = PhiNode::make(ne_region, i_o());
+ Node* mem = reset_memory();
+ Node* ne_mem_phi = PhiNode::make(ne_region, mem);
+ Node* eq_io_phi = NULL;
+ Node* eq_mem_phi = NULL;
+ if (eq_region != NULL) {
+ eq_io_phi = PhiNode::make(eq_region, i_o());
+ eq_mem_phi = PhiNode::make(eq_region, mem);
+ }
+ set_all_memory(mem);
+ kill_dead_locals();
+ CallStaticJavaNode *call = new CallStaticJavaNode(C, TypeFunc::make(subst_method), SharedRuntime::get_resolve_static_call_stub(), subst_method, bci());
+ call->set_override_symbolic_info(true);
+ call->init_req(TypeFunc::Parms, not_null_a);
+ call->init_req(TypeFunc::Parms+1, not_null_b);
+ inc_sp(2);
+ set_edges_for_java_call(call, false, false);
+ Node* ret = set_results_for_java_call(call, false, true);
+ dec_sp(2);
+ // Test the return value of ValueBootstrapMethods::isSubstitutable()
+ Node* subst_cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode(ret, intcon(1)));
+ if (btest == BoolTest::eq) {
+ do_if(btest, subst_cmp);
+ } else {
+ assert(btest == BoolTest::ne, "only eq or ne");
+ Node* is_not_equal = NULL;
+ {
+ PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
+ do_if(btest, subst_cmp, false, &is_not_equal);
+ if (!stopped()) {
+ eq_region->init_req(2, control());
+ eq_io_phi->init_req(2, i_o());
+ eq_mem_phi->init_req(2, reset_memory());
+ }
+ }
+ set_control(is_not_equal);
+ }
+ ne_region->init_req(5, control());
+ ne_io_phi->init_req(5, i_o());
+ ne_mem_phi->init_req(5, reset_memory());
+ record_for_igvn(ne_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(ne_region));
+ set_i_o(_gvn.transform(ne_io_phi));
+ set_all_memory(_gvn.transform(ne_mem_phi));
+ if (btest == BoolTest::ne) {
+ {
+ PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);
+ int target_bci = iter().get_dest();
+ merge(target_bci);
+ }
+ record_for_igvn(eq_region);
+ set_control(_gvn.transform(eq_region));
+ set_i_o(_gvn.transform(eq_io_phi));
+ set_all_memory(_gvn.transform(eq_mem_phi));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
// In the case were both operands might be value types, we need to
// use the new acmp implementation. Otherwise, i.e. if one operand
// is not a value type, we can use the old acmp implementation.
Node* cmp = C->optimize_acmp(&_gvn, a, b);
if (cmp != NULL) {
*** 1827,1837 ****
Node* ctrl = NULL;
bool safe_for_replace = true;
! if (!UsePointerPerturbation) {
// Emit old acmp before new acmp for quick a != b check
cmp = CmpP(a, b);
cmp = optimize_cmp_with_klass(_gvn.transform(cmp));
if (btest == BoolTest::ne) {
do_if(btest, cmp, true);
--- 2032,2042 ----
Node* ctrl = NULL;
bool safe_for_replace = true;
! if (ACmpOnValues != 1) {
// Emit old acmp before new acmp for quick a != b check
cmp = CmpP(a, b);
cmp = optimize_cmp_with_klass(_gvn.transform(cmp));
if (btest == BoolTest::ne) {
do_if(btest, cmp, true);
*** 1887,1897 ****
Node* value_mask = _gvn.MakeConX(markOopDesc::always_locked_pattern);
! if (UsePointerPerturbation) {
Node* mark_addr = basic_plus_adr(not_null_a, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes());
Node* mark = make_load(NULL, mark_addr, TypeX_X, TypeX_X->basic_type(), MemNode::unordered);
Node* not_mark = _gvn.transform(new XorXNode(mark, _gvn.MakeConX(-1)));
Node* andn = _gvn.transform(new AndXNode(not_mark, value_mask));
Node* neg_if_value = _gvn.transform(new SubXNode(andn, _gvn.MakeConX(1)));
--- 2092,2102 ----
Node* value_mask = _gvn.MakeConX(markOopDesc::always_locked_pattern);
! if (ACmpOnValues == 1) {
Node* mark_addr = basic_plus_adr(not_null_a, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes());
Node* mark = make_load(NULL, mark_addr, TypeX_X, TypeX_X->basic_type(), MemNode::unordered);
Node* not_mark = _gvn.transform(new XorXNode(mark, _gvn.MakeConX(-1)));
Node* andn = _gvn.transform(new AndXNode(not_mark, value_mask));
Node* neg_if_value = _gvn.transform(new SubXNode(andn, _gvn.MakeConX(1)));
*** 1902,1912 ****
region->init_req(1, control());
is_value = _gvn.transform(is_value);
! if (UsePointerPerturbation) {
// Perturbe oop if operand is a value type to make comparison fail
Node* pert = _gvn.transform(new AddPNode(a, a, is_value));
cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpPNode(pert, b));
} else {
// Check for a value type because we already know that operands are equal
--- 2107,2117 ----
region->init_req(1, control());
is_value = _gvn.transform(is_value);
! if (ACmpOnValues == 1) {
// Perturbe oop if operand is a value type to make comparison fail
Node* pert = _gvn.transform(new AddPNode(a, a, is_value));
cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpPNode(pert, b));
} else {
// Check for a value type because we already know that operands are equal
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