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@@ -343,19 +343,16 @@
// Method that knows how to preserve outgoing arguments at call. This method must be
// called with a frame corresponding to a Java invoke
void CompiledMethod::preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map, OopClosure* f) {
if (method() != NULL && !method()->is_native()) {
address pc = fr.pc();
- SimpleScopeDesc ssd(this, pc);
- Bytecode_invoke call(ssd.method(), ssd.bci());
- bool has_receiver = call.has_receiver();
- bool has_appendix = call.has_appendix();
- Symbol* signature = call.signature();
// The method attached by JIT-compilers should be used, if present.
// Bytecode can be inaccurate in such case.
Method* callee = attached_method_before_pc(pc);
+ bool has_receiver = false;
+ bool has_appendix = false;
+ Symbol* signature = NULL;
if (callee != NULL) {
has_receiver = !(callee->access_flags().is_static());
has_appendix = false;
signature = callee->signature();
@@ -364,10 +361,16 @@
if (callee->has_scalarized_args()) {
const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig = callee->adapter()->get_sig_cc();
signature = SigEntry::create_symbol(sig);
has_receiver = false; // The extended signature contains the receiver type
+ } else {
+ SimpleScopeDesc ssd(this, pc);
+ Bytecode_invoke call(ssd.method(), ssd.bci());
+ has_receiver = call.has_receiver();
+ has_appendix = call.has_appendix();
+ signature = call.signature();
fr.oops_compiled_arguments_do(signature, has_receiver, has_appendix, reg_map, f);
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