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rev 10195 : 8048267: Replace uses of 'new Long()' with appropriate alternative across core classes
Reviewed-by: chegar, psandoz

*** 58,68 **** // CONTENTS OF THIS ARRAY MUST BE SYNCHRONIZED WITH // memoryNotifInfoItemNames! final Object[] memoryNotifInfoItemValues = { memoryNotifInfo.getPoolName(), MemoryUsageCompositeData.toCompositeData(memoryNotifInfo.getUsage()), ! new Long(memoryNotifInfo.getCount()), }; try { return new CompositeDataSupport(memoryNotifInfoCompositeType, memoryNotifInfoItemNames, --- 58,68 ---- // CONTENTS OF THIS ARRAY MUST BE SYNCHRONIZED WITH // memoryNotifInfoItemNames! final Object[] memoryNotifInfoItemValues = { memoryNotifInfo.getPoolName(), MemoryUsageCompositeData.toCompositeData(memoryNotifInfo.getUsage()), ! memoryNotifInfo.getCount(), }; try { return new CompositeDataSupport(memoryNotifInfoCompositeType, memoryNotifInfoItemNames,