Class MetalInternalFrameTitlePane

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable

public class MetalInternalFrameTitlePane extends BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
Class that manages a JLF title bar
  • Field Details

    • isPalette

      protected boolean isPalette
      The value isPalette
    • paletteCloseIcon

      protected Icon paletteCloseIcon
      The palette close icon.
    • paletteTitleHeight

      protected int paletteTitleHeight
      The height of the palette title.
  • Constructor Details

    • MetalInternalFrameTitlePane

      public MetalInternalFrameTitlePane(JInternalFrame f)
      Constructs a new instance of MetalInternalFrameTitlePane
      f - an instance of JInternalFrame
  • Method Details

    • addNotify

      public void addNotify()
      Description copied from class: JComponent
      Notifies this component that it now has a parent component. When this method is invoked, the chain of parent components is set up with KeyboardAction event listeners. This method is called by the toolkit internally and should not be called directly by programs.
      addNotify in class JComponent
      See Also:
    • installDefaults

      protected void installDefaults()
      Description copied from class: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      Installs default properties.
      installDefaults in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
    • uninstallDefaults

      protected void uninstallDefaults()
      Description copied from class: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      Uninstalls default properties.
      uninstallDefaults in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
    • createButtons

      protected void createButtons()
      Description copied from class: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      Creates buttons.
      createButtons in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
    • assembleSystemMenu

      protected void assembleSystemMenu()
      Override the parent's method to do nothing. Metal frames do not have system menus.
      assembleSystemMenu in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
    • addSystemMenuItems

      protected void addSystemMenuItems(JMenu systemMenu)
      Override the parent's method to do nothing. Metal frames do not have system menus.
      addSystemMenuItems in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      systemMenu - an instance of JMenu
    • showSystemMenu

      protected void showSystemMenu()
      Override the parent's method to do nothing. Metal frames do not have system menus.
      showSystemMenu in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
    • addSubComponents

      protected void addSubComponents()
      Override the parent's method avoid creating a menu bar. Metal frames do not have system menus.
      addSubComponents in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
    • createPropertyChangeListener

      protected PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener()
      Description copied from class: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      Returns an instance of PropertyChangeListener.
      createPropertyChangeListener in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      an instance of PropertyChangeListener
    • createLayout

      protected LayoutManager createLayout()
      Description copied from class: BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      Returns a layout manager.
      createLayout in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      a layout manager
    • paintPalette

      public void paintPalette(Graphics g)
      Paints palette.
      g - a instance of Graphics
    • paintComponent

      public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
      Description copied from class: JComponent
      Calls the UI delegate's paint method, if the UI delegate is non-null. We pass the delegate a copy of the Graphics object to protect the rest of the paint code from irrevocable changes (for example, Graphics.translate).

      If you override this in a subclass you should not make permanent changes to the passed in Graphics. For example, you should not alter the clip Rectangle or modify the transform. If you need to do these operations you may find it easier to create a new Graphics from the passed in Graphics and manipulate it. Further, if you do not invoke super's implementation you must honor the opaque property, that is if this component is opaque, you must completely fill in the background in an opaque color. If you do not honor the opaque property you will likely see visual artifacts.

      The passed in Graphics object might have a transform other than the identify transform installed on it. In this case, you might get unexpected results if you cumulatively apply another transform.

      paintComponent in class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
      g - the Graphics object to protect
      See Also:
    • setPalette

      public void setPalette(boolean b)
      If b is true, sets palette icons.
      b - if true, sets palette icons