Class PropertyPermission

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Guard

public final class PropertyPermission extends BasicPermission
This class is for property permissions.

The name is the name of the property ("java.home", "", etc). The naming convention follows the hierarchical property naming convention. Also, an asterisk may appear at the end of the name, following a ".", or by itself, to signify a wildcard match. For example: "java.*" and "*" signify a wildcard match, while "*java" and "a*b" do not.

The actions are passed to the constructor in a string containing a list of one or more comma-separated keywords. The possible keywords are "read" and "write".

The actions string is converted to lowercase before processing.

API Note:
This permission cannot be used for controlling access to resources as the Security Manager is no longer supported.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PropertyPermission

      public PropertyPermission(String name, String actions)
      Creates a new PropertyPermission object with the specified name. The name is the name of the system property, and actions contains a comma-separated list of the desired actions granted on the property. Possible actions are "read" and "write".
      name - the name of the PropertyPermission.
      actions - the actions string.
      NullPointerException - if name is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is empty or if actions is invalid.
  • Method Details

    • implies

      public boolean implies(Permission p)
      Checks if this PropertyPermission object "implies" the specified permission.

      More specifically, this method returns true if:

      • p is an instanceof PropertyPermission,
      • p's actions are a subset of this object's actions, and
      • p's name is implied by this object's name. For example, "java.*" implies "java.home".
      implies in class BasicPermission
      p - the permission to check against.
      true if the specified permission is implied by this object, false if not.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Checks two PropertyPermission objects for equality. Checks that obj is a PropertyPermission, and has the same name and actions as this object.
      equals in class BasicPermission
      obj - the object we are testing for equality with this object.
      true if obj is a PropertyPermission, and has the same name and actions as this PropertyPermission object.
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code value for this object. The hash code used is the hash code of this permissions name, that is, getName().hashCode(), where getName is from the Permission superclass.
      hashCode in class BasicPermission
      a hash code value for this object.
      See Also:
    • getActions

      public String getActions()
      Returns the "canonical string representation" of the actions. That is, this method always returns present actions in the following order: read, write. For example, if this PropertyPermission object allows both write and read actions, a call to getActions will return the string "read,write".
      getActions in class BasicPermission
      the canonical string representation of the actions.
    • newPermissionCollection

      public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()
      Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing PropertyPermission objects.
      newPermissionCollection in class BasicPermission
      a new PermissionCollection object suitable for storing PropertyPermissions.