Class ProxySelector


public abstract class ProxySelector extends Object
Selects the proxy server to use, if any, when connecting to the network resource referenced by a URL. A proxy selector is a concrete sub-class of this class and is registered by invoking the setDefault method. The currently registered proxy selector can be retrieved by calling getDefault method.

When a proxy selector is registered, for instance, a subclass of URLConnection class should call the select method for each URL request so that the proxy selector can decide if a direct, or proxied connection should be used. The select method returns an iterator over a collection with the preferred connection approach.

If a connection cannot be established to a proxy (PROXY or SOCKS) servers then the caller should call the proxy selector's connectFailed method to notify the proxy selector that the proxy server is unavailable.

The default proxy selector does enforce a set of System Properties related to proxy settings.

  • Constructor Details

    • ProxySelector

      public ProxySelector()
      Constructor for subclasses to call.
  • Method Details

    • getDefault

      public static ProxySelector getDefault()
      Gets the system-wide proxy selector.
      the system-wide ProxySelector
      See Also:
    • setDefault

      public static void setDefault(ProxySelector ps)
      Sets (or unsets) the system-wide proxy selector. Note: non-standard protocol handlers may ignore this setting.
      ps - The HTTP proxy selector, or null to unset the proxy selector.
      See Also:
    • select

      public abstract List<Proxy> select(URI uri)
      Selects all the applicable proxies based on the protocol to access the resource with and a destination address to access the resource at. The format of the URI is defined as follows:
      • http URI for http connections
      • https URI for https connections
      • socket://host:port
        for tcp client sockets connections
      uri - The URI that a connection is required to
      a List of Proxies. Each element in the List is of type Proxy; when no proxy is available, the list will contain one element of type Proxy that represents a direct connection.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null or if the protocol or host cannot be determined from the provided uri
    • connectFailed

      public abstract void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe)
      Called to indicate that a connection could not be established to a proxy/socks server. An implementation of this method can temporarily remove the proxies or reorder the sequence of proxies returned by select(URI), using the address and the IOException caught when trying to connect.
      uri - The URI that the proxy at sa failed to serve.
      sa - The socket address of the proxy/SOCKS server
      ioe - The I/O exception thrown when the connect failed.
      IllegalArgumentException - if either argument is null
    • of

      public static ProxySelector of(InetSocketAddress proxyAddress)
      Returns a ProxySelector which uses the given proxy address for all HTTP and HTTPS requests. If proxyAddress is null then proxying is disabled.
      proxyAddress - The address of the proxy
      a ProxySelector