Interface LocalVariableTableAttribute

All Superinterfaces:
Attribute<LocalVariableTableAttribute>, ClassFileElement

public sealed interface LocalVariableTableAttribute extends Attribute<LocalVariableTableAttribute>
Models the LocalVariableTable attribute (JVMS 4.7.13), which records debug information about local variables. Its entries are delivered as LocalVariables when traversing the elements of a CodeModel, which is toggled by ClassFile.DebugElementsOption.

This attribute only appears on Code attributes, and permits multiple instances in a Code attribute. It has a data dependency on labels.

This attribute cannot be sent to a CodeBuilder; its entries can be constructed with LocalVariable, resulting in at most one attribute instance in the built Code attribute.

The attribute was introduced in the Java Platform version 1.0.2, major version 45.

API Note:
Generic local variable types and potentially annotated use of those types are defined by LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute and RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute respectively, which requires this attribute to be present.
See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.7.13 The LocalVaribleTable Attribute
See Also: