Interface InnerClassInfo

public sealed interface InnerClassInfo
Models a single entry in the InnerClassesAttribute.
See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.7.6 The InnerClasses Attribute
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • innerClass

      ClassEntry innerClass()
      Returns the nested class described by this entry.
      the nested class described by this entry
    • outerClass

      Optional<ClassEntry> outerClass()
      Returns the class or interface of which this class is a member, if it is a member of a class or interface. This may be empty if this class is local or anonymous.
      the class or interface of which this class is a member, if it is a member of a class or interface
      See Also:
    • innerName

      Optional<Utf8Entry> innerName()
      Returns the simple name of this class, or empty if this class is anonymous.
      the simple name of this class, or empty if this class is anonymous
      See Also:
    • flagsMask

      int flagsMask()
      Returns a bit mask of flags denoting access permissions and properties of the inner class.
      a bit mask of flags denoting access permissions and properties of the inner class
      See Also:
    • flags

      default Set<AccessFlag> flags()
      Returns a set of flag enums denoting access permissions and properties of the nested class.
      a set of flag enums denoting access permissions and properties of the nested class
      IllegalArgumentException - if the flags mask has any undefined bit set
      See Also:
    • has

      default boolean has(AccessFlag flag)
      Returns whether a specific access flag is set.
      flag - the access flag
      whether a specific access flag is set
      See Also:
    • of

      static InnerClassInfo of(ClassEntry innerClass, Optional<ClassEntry> outerClass, Optional<Utf8Entry> innerName, int flags)
      Returns a nested class description.
      innerClass - the nested class being described
      outerClass - the class that has the nested class as a member, if it exists
      innerName - the simple name of the nested class, if it is not anonymous
      flags - the inner class access flags
      a nested class description
    • of

      static InnerClassInfo of(ClassDesc innerClass, Optional<ClassDesc> outerClass, Optional<String> innerName, int flags)
      Returns a nested class description.
      innerClass - the nested class being described
      outerClass - the class that has the nested class as a member, if it exists
      innerName - the simple name of the nested class, if it is not anonymous
      flags - the inner class access flags
      a nested class description
      IllegalArgumentException - if innerClass or outerClass represents a primitive type
    • of

      static InnerClassInfo of(ClassDesc innerClass, Optional<ClassDesc> outerClass, Optional<String> innerName, AccessFlag... flags)
      Returns a nested class description.
      innerClass - the nested class being described
      outerClass - the class that has the nested class as a member, if it exists
      innerName - the name of the nested class, if it is not anonymous
      flags - the inner class access flags
      a nested class description
      IllegalArgumentException - if innerClass or outerClass represents a primitive type, or if any flag cannot be applied to the AccessFlag.Location.INNER_CLASS location