Interface TypeAnnotation.LocalVarTargetInfo

Enclosing interface:

public static sealed interface TypeAnnotation.LocalVarTargetInfo
Indicates a range of code array offsets within which a local variable has a value, and the index into the local variable array of the current frame at which that local variable can be found.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The given local variable has a value at indices into the code array in the interval [start_pc, start_pc + length), that is, between start_pc inclusive and start_pc + length exclusive.
    The given local variable must be at index in the local variable array of the current frame.
    of(Label startLabel, Label endLabel, int index)
    Returns local variable target info.
    The given local variable has a value at indices into the code array in the interval [start_pc, start_pc + length), that is, between start_pc inclusive and start_pc + length exclusive.
  • Method Details

    • startLabel

      Label startLabel()
      The given local variable has a value at indices into the code array in the interval [start_pc, start_pc + length), that is, between start_pc inclusive and start_pc + length exclusive.
      the start of the bytecode section
    • endLabel

      Label endLabel()
      The given local variable has a value at indices into the code array in the interval [start_pc, start_pc + length), that is, between start_pc inclusive and start_pc + length exclusive.
      the end of the bytecode section
    • index

      int index()
      The given local variable must be at index in the local variable array of the current frame. If the local variable at index is of type double or long, it occupies both index and index + 1.
      the index into the local variables
    • of

      static TypeAnnotation.LocalVarTargetInfo of(Label startLabel, Label endLabel, int index)
      Returns local variable target info.
      startLabel - the code label indicating start of an interval where variable has value
      endLabel - the code label indicating start of an interval where variable has value
      index - index into the local variables
      local variable target info