Interface Signature.ClassTypeSig

All Superinterfaces:
Signature, Signature.RefTypeSig, Signature.ThrowableSig
Enclosing interface:

public static sealed interface Signature.ClassTypeSig extends Signature.RefTypeSig, Signature.ThrowableSig
Models the signature of a possibly-parameterized class or interface type.
See Java Virtual Machine Specification: Signatures
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • outerType

      Returns the signature of the class that this class is a member of, only if this is a member class. Note that the outer class may be absent if it is not a parameterized type.
      the signature of the class that this class is a member of, only if this is a member class
      See Java Language Specification:
      4.5 Parameterized Types
    • className

      String className()
      Returns the class or interface name; includes the slash-separated package name if there is no outer type.
      the class or interface name; includes the slash-separated package name if there is no outer type
    • classDesc

      default ClassDesc classDesc()
      Returns this class or interface, as a symbolic descriptor.
      this class or interface, as a symbolic descriptor
    • typeArgs

      List<Signature.TypeArg> typeArgs()
      Returns the type arguments of this class or interface. Note that the outer type may have more type arguments.
      the type arguments of this class or interface
      See Java Language Specification:
      4.5 Parameterized Types
    • of

      static Signature.ClassTypeSig of(ClassDesc className, Signature.TypeArg... typeArgs)
      Returns a class or interface signature without an outer type.
      className - the name of the class or interface
      typeArgs - the type arguments
      a class or interface signature without an outer type
      IllegalArgumentException - if className does not represent a class or interface
    • of

      static Signature.ClassTypeSig of(Signature.ClassTypeSig outerType, ClassDesc className, Signature.TypeArg... typeArgs)
      Returns a class or interface signature.
      outerType - signature of the outer type, may be null
      className - the name of this class or interface
      typeArgs - the type arguments
      a class or interface signature
      IllegalArgumentException - if className does not represent a class or interface
    • of

      static Signature.ClassTypeSig of(String className, Signature.TypeArg... typeArgs)
      Returns a class or interface signature without an outer type.
      className - the name of the class or interface
      typeArgs - the type arguments
      a class or interface signature without an outer type
    • of

      static Signature.ClassTypeSig of(Signature.ClassTypeSig outerType, String className, Signature.TypeArg... typeArgs)
      Returns a class type signature.
      outerType - signature of the outer type, may be null
      className - the name of this class or interface
      typeArgs - the type arguments
      a class type signature