Interface Instruction

All Superinterfaces:
ClassFileElement, CodeElement
All Known Subinterfaces:
ArrayLoadInstruction, ArrayStoreInstruction, BranchInstruction, ConstantInstruction, ConstantInstruction.ArgumentConstantInstruction, ConstantInstruction.IntrinsicConstantInstruction, ConstantInstruction.LoadConstantInstruction, ConvertInstruction, DiscontinuedInstruction, DiscontinuedInstruction.JsrInstruction, DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstruction, FieldInstruction, IncrementInstruction, InvokeDynamicInstruction, InvokeInstruction, LoadInstruction, LookupSwitchInstruction, MonitorInstruction, NewMultiArrayInstruction, NewObjectInstruction, NewPrimitiveArrayInstruction, NewReferenceArrayInstruction, NopInstruction, OperatorInstruction, ReturnInstruction, StackInstruction, StoreInstruction, TableSwitchInstruction, ThrowInstruction, TypeCheckInstruction

Models an executable instruction in the code array of the Code attribute of a method.

The opcode identifies the operation of an instruction. Each kind of opcode has its own modeling interface for instructions.

Sealed Class Hierarchy Graph:
Sealed class hierarchy graph for InstructionSealed class hierarchy graph for Instruction
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the operation of this instruction.
    Returns the size in bytes of this instruction.
  • Method Details

    • opcode

      Opcode opcode()
      Returns the operation of this instruction.
      the operation of this instruction
    • sizeInBytes

      int sizeInBytes()
      Returns the size in bytes of this instruction. This value is equal to opcode().sizeIfFixed() if it is not -1.
      the size in bytes of this instruction