Class CustomAttribute<T extends CustomAttribute<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the custom attribute type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Attribute<T>, ClassElement, ClassFileElement, CodeElement, FieldElement, MethodElement

public abstract non-sealed class CustomAttribute<T extends CustomAttribute<T>> extends Object implements Attribute<T>, CodeElement, ClassElement, MethodElement, FieldElement
Models a user-defined attribute in a class file. API models for user-defined attributes should extend this class. A user-defined attribute should also have an AttributeMapper defined, which will be returned by attributeMapper(), and registered to the ClassFile.AttributeMapperOption so the user-defined attributes can be read.

User-defined attributes are currently not delivered in the traversal of a CodeModel.

Accessor methods on user-defined attributes read from class files may throw IllegalArgumentException if the attribute model is lazily evaluated, and the evaluation encounters malformed class file format for the attribute.

See Also: