Interface BootstrapMethodEntry

public sealed interface BootstrapMethodEntry
Models an entry in the bootstrap method table. The bootstrap method table is stored in the BootstrapMethods attribute, but is modeled by the ConstantPool, since the bootstrap method table is logically part of the constant pool.

A bootstrap method entry is composite:

    MethodHandleEntry bootstrapMethod,
    List<LoadableConstantEntry> arguments
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • constantPool

      ConstantPool constantPool()
      Returns the constant pool associated with this entry.
      API Note:
      Given a ConstantPoolBuilder builder and a BootstrapMethodEntry entry, use builder.canWriteDirect(entry.constantPool()) instead of object equality of the constant pool to determine if an entry is compatible.
      the constant pool associated with this entry
    • bsmIndex

      int bsmIndex()
      Returns the index into the bootstrap method table corresponding to this entry.
      the index into the bootstrap method table corresponding to this entry
    • bootstrapMethod

      MethodHandleEntry bootstrapMethod()
      Returns the bootstrap method.
      the bootstrap method
    • arguments

      Returns the bootstrap arguments.
      the bootstrap arguments