OpenJDK VM Interface

src/share/javavm/export/jvm.h File Reference

#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "jni.h"
#include "jvm_md.h"
#include "classfile_constants.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  JVM_DTraceProbe
struct  JVM_DTraceInterfaceAttributes
struct  JVM_DTraceProvider
struct  JVM_ExceptionTableEntryType
struct  method_size_info
struct  class_size_info
struct  jvm_version_info
struct  jdk_version_info
struct  JDK1_1InitArgs


#define JVM_IO_ERR   (-1)
#define JVM_IO_INTR   (-2)
#define JVM_EEXIST   -100
#define JVM_VERSION_MAJOR(version)   ((version & 0xFF000000) >> 24)
#define JVM_VERSION_MINOR(version)   ((version & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
#define JVM_VERSION_MICRO(version)   ((version & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
#define JVM_VERSION_BUILD(version)   ((version & 0x000000FF))
#define JDK_VERSION_MAJOR(version)   ((version & 0xFF000000) >> 24)
#define JDK_VERSION_MINOR(version)   ((version & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
#define JDK_VERSION_MICRO(version)   ((version & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
#define JDK_VERSION_BUILD(version)   ((version & 0x000000FF))


typedef jboolean(* verifier_fn_t )(JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, char *msg_buf, jint buf_len)
typedef jstring(* to_java_string_fn_t )(JNIEnv *env, char *str)
typedef char *(* to_c_string_fn_t )(JNIEnv *env, jstring s, jboolean *b)
typedef jint(* check_format_fn_t )(char *class_name, unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_size, class_size_info *class_size, char *message_buffer, jint buffer_length, jboolean measure_only, jboolean check_relaxed)
typedef int(* canonicalize_fn_t )(JNIEnv *env, char *orig, char *out, int len)
typedef void(* jdk_version_info_fn_t )(jdk_version_info *info, size_t info_size)
typedef struct JDK1_1InitArgs JDK1_1InitArgs


enum  {


JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetInterfaceVersion (void)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_IHashCode (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_MonitorWait (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong ms)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_MonitorNotify (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_MonitorNotifyAll (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_Clone (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_InternString (JNIEnv *env, jstring str)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_CurrentTimeMillis (JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_NanoTime (JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ArrayCopy (JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored, jobject src, jint src_pos, jobject dst, jint dst_pos, jint length)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_InitProperties (JNIEnv *env, jobject p)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_OnExit (void(*func)(void))
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Exit (jint code)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Halt (jint code)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GC (void)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_MaxObjectInspectionAge (void)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_TraceInstructions (jboolean on)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_TraceMethodCalls (jboolean on)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_TotalMemory (void)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_FreeMemory (void)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_MaxMemory (void)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ActiveProcessorCount (void)
JNIEXPORT void * JVM_LoadLibrary (const char *name)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_UnloadLibrary (void *handle)
JNIEXPORT void * JVM_FindLibraryEntry (void *handle, const char *name)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion (jint version)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsNaN (jdouble d)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_FillInStackTrace (JNIEnv *env, jobject throwable)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_PrintStackTrace (JNIEnv *env, jobject throwable, jobject printable)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetStackTraceDepth (JNIEnv *env, jobject throwable)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetStackTraceElement (JNIEnv *env, jobject throwable, jint index)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_InitializeCompiler (JNIEnv *env, jclass compCls)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsSilentCompiler (JNIEnv *env, jclass compCls)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_CompileClass (JNIEnv *env, jclass compCls, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_CompileClasses (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jstring jname)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_CompilerCommand (JNIEnv *env, jclass compCls, jobject arg)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_EnableCompiler (JNIEnv *env, jclass compCls)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_DisableCompiler (JNIEnv *env, jclass compCls)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_StartThread (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_StopThread (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread, jobject exception)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsThreadAlive (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SuspendThread (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ResumeThread (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetThreadPriority (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread, jint prio)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Yield (JNIEnv *env, jclass threadClass)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Sleep (JNIEnv *env, jclass threadClass, jlong millis)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_CurrentThread (JNIEnv *env, jclass threadClass)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_CountStackFrames (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Interrupt (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsInterrupted (JNIEnv *env, jobject thread, jboolean clearInterrupted)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_HoldsLock (JNIEnv *env, jclass threadClass, jobject obj)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_DumpAllStacks (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetAllThreads (JNIEnv *env, jclass dummy)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetNativeThreadName (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthread, jstring name)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_DumpThreads (JNIEnv *env, jclass threadClass, jobjectArray threads)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_CurrentLoadedClass (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_CurrentClassLoader (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassContext (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ClassDepth (JNIEnv *env, jstring name)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ClassLoaderDepth (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_GetSystemPackage (JNIEnv *env, jstring name)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetSystemPackages (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_AllocateNewObject (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass currClass, jclass initClass)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_AllocateNewArray (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass currClass, jint length)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_LatestUserDefinedLoader (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_LoadClass0 (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass currClass, jstring currClassName)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetArrayLength (JNIEnv *env, jobject arr)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetArrayElement (JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jvalue JVM_GetPrimitiveArrayElement (JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index, jint wCode)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetArrayElement (JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index, jobject val)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetPrimitiveArrayElement (JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index, jvalue v, unsigned char vCode)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_NewArray (JNIEnv *env, jclass eltClass, jint length)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_NewMultiArray (JNIEnv *env, jclass eltClass, jintArray dim)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_GetCallerClass (JNIEnv *env, int n)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindPrimitiveClass (JNIEnv *env, const char *utf)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ResolveClass (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader (JNIEnv *env, const char *name)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindClassFromClassLoader (JNIEnv *env, const char *name, jboolean init, jobject loader, jboolean throwError)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindClassFromClass (JNIEnv *env, const char *name, jboolean init, jclass from)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindLoadedClass (JNIEnv *env, jobject loader, jstring name)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_DefineClass (JNIEnv *env, const char *name, jobject loader, const jbyte *buf, jsize len, jobject pd)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_DefineClassWithSource (JNIEnv *env, const char *name, jobject loader, const jbyte *buf, jsize len, jobject pd, const char *source)
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_GetClassName (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassInterfaces (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetClassLoader (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsInterface (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassSigners (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetClassSigners (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobjectArray signers)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetProtectionDomain (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetProtectionDomain (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobject protection_domain)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsArrayClass (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsPrimitiveClass (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_GetComponentType (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassModifiers (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetDeclaredClasses (JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_GetDeclaringClass (JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass)
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_GetClassSignature (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JVM_GetClassAnnotations (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassDeclaredMethods (JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass, jboolean publicOnly)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields (JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass, jboolean publicOnly)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassDeclaredConstructors (JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass, jboolean publicOnly)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassAccessFlags (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_InvokeMethod (JNIEnv *env, jobject method, jobject obj, jobjectArray args0)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_NewInstanceFromConstructor (JNIEnv *env, jobject c, jobjectArray args0)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetClassConstantPool (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ConstantPoolGetSize (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAtIfLoaded (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAtIfLoaded (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAtIfLoaded (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_ConstantPoolGetMemberRefInfoAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ConstantPoolGetIntAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_ConstantPoolGetLongAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jfloat JVM_ConstantPoolGetFloatAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jdouble JVM_ConstantPoolGetDoubleAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_ConstantPoolGetStringAt (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_ConstantPoolGetUTF8At (JNIEnv *env, jobject unused, jobject jcpool, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_DoPrivileged (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobject action, jobject context, jboolean wrapException)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetInheritedAccessControlContext (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetStackAccessControlContext (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT void * JVM_RegisterSignal (jint sig, void *handler)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_RaiseSignal (jint sig)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_FindSignal (const char *name)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_DesiredAssertionStatus (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jclass cls)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_AssertionStatusDirectives (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_SupportsCX8 (void)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_DTraceGetVersion (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_DTraceActivate (JNIEnv *env, jint version, jstring module_name, jint providers_count, JVM_DTraceProvider *providers)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_DTraceIsProbeEnabled (JNIEnv *env, jmethodID method)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_DTraceDispose (JNIEnv *env, jlong activation_handle)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_DTraceIsSupported (JNIEnv *env)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetClassNameUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetClassCPTypes (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, unsigned char *types)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassCPEntriesCount (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassFieldsCount (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassMethodsCount (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionIndexes (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint method_index, unsigned short *exceptions)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionsCount (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint method_index)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetMethodIxByteCode (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint method_index, unsigned char *code)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxByteCodeLength (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint method_index)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint method_index, jint entry_index, JVM_ExceptionTableEntryType *entry)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableLength (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetFieldIxModifiers (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxArgsSize (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxMaxStack (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsConstructorIx (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetMethodIxNameUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetMethodIxSignatureUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetCPFieldNameUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetCPMethodNameUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetCPMethodSignatureUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetCPClassNameUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetCPFieldClassNameUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT const char * JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, jint index)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index, jclass calledClass)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetCPMethodModifiers (JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, int index, jclass calledClass)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ReleaseUTF (const char *utf)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsSameClassPackage (JNIEnv *env, jclass class1, jclass class2)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetLastErrorString (char *buf, int len)
JNIEXPORT char * JVM_NativePath (char *)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Open (const char *fname, jint flags, jint mode)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Close (jint fd)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Read (jint fd, char *buf, jint nbytes)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Write (jint fd, char *buf, jint nbytes)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Available (jint fd, jlong *pbytes)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_Lseek (jint fd, jlong offset, jint whence)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SetLength (jint fd, jlong length)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Sync (jint fd)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_InitializeSocketLibrary (void)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Socket (jint domain, jint type, jint protocol)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SocketClose (jint fd)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SocketShutdown (jint fd, jint howto)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Recv (jint fd, char *buf, jint nBytes, jint flags)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Send (jint fd, char *buf, jint nBytes, jint flags)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Timeout (int fd, long timeout)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Listen (jint fd, jint count)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Connect (jint fd, struct sockaddr *him, jint len)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Bind (jint fd, struct sockaddr *him, jint len)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Accept (jint fd, struct sockaddr *him, jint *len)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_RecvFrom (jint fd, char *buf, int nBytes, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SendTo (jint fd, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *to, int tolen)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SocketAvailable (jint fd, jint *result)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetSockName (jint fd, struct sockaddr *him, int *len)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetSockOpt (jint fd, int level, int optname, char *optval, int *optlen)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SetSockOpt (jint fd, int level, int optname, const char *optval, int optlen)
JNIEXPORT int JVM_GetHostName (char *name, int namelen)
int jio_vsnprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list args)
int jio_snprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt,...)
int jio_fprintf (FILE *, const char *fmt,...)
int jio_vfprintf (FILE *, const char *fmt, va_list args)
JNIEXPORT void * JVM_RawMonitorCreate (void)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_RawMonitorDestroy (void *mon)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_RawMonitorEnter (void *mon)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_RawMonitorExit (void *mon)
JNIEXPORT void * JVM_GetManagement (jint version)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_InitAgentProperties (JNIEnv *env, jobject agent_props)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetEnclosingMethodInfo (JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass)
JNIEXPORT jintArray JVM_GetThreadStateValues (JNIEnv *env, jint javaThreadState)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetThreadStateNames (JNIEnv *env, jint javaThreadState, jintArray values)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetVersionInfo (JNIEnv *env, jvm_version_info *info, size_t info_size)

Define Documentation

#define JDK_VERSION_BUILD (   version)    ((version & 0x000000FF))
#define JDK_VERSION_MAJOR (   version)    ((version & 0xFF000000) >> 24)
#define JDK_VERSION_MICRO (   version)    ((version & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
#define JDK_VERSION_MINOR (   version)    ((version & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
#define JVM_EEXIST   -100
#define JVM_IO_ERR   (-1)
#define JVM_IO_INTR   (-2)
#define JVM_VERSION_BUILD (   version)    ((version & 0x000000FF))
#define JVM_VERSION_MAJOR (   version)    ((version & 0xFF000000) >> 24)
#define JVM_VERSION_MICRO (   version)    ((version & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
#define JVM_VERSION_MINOR (   version)    ((version & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* canonicalize_fn_t)(JNIEnv *env, char *orig, char *out, int len)
typedef jint(* check_format_fn_t)(char *class_name, unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_size, class_size_info *class_size, char *message_buffer, jint buffer_length, jboolean measure_only, jboolean check_relaxed)
typedef void(* jdk_version_info_fn_t)(jdk_version_info *info, size_t info_size)
typedef char*(* to_c_string_fn_t)(JNIEnv *env, jstring s, jboolean *b)
typedef jstring(* to_java_string_fn_t)(JNIEnv *env, char *str)
typedef jboolean(* verifier_fn_t)(JNIEnv *env, jclass cb, char *msg_buf, jint buf_len)

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Function Documentation

int jio_fprintf ( FILE *  ,
const char *  fmt,
int jio_snprintf ( char *  str,
size_t  count,
const char *  fmt,
int jio_vfprintf ( FILE *  ,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 
int jio_vsnprintf ( char *  str,
size_t  count,
const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Accept ( jint  fd,
struct sockaddr *  him,
jint len 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ActiveProcessorCount ( void  )
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_AllocateNewArray ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj,
jclass  currClass,
jint  length 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_AllocateNewObject ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj,
jclass  currClass,
jclass  initClass 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ArrayCopy ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ignored,
jobject  src,
jint  src_pos,
jobject  dst,
jint  dst_pos,
jint  length 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_AssertionStatusDirectives ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  unused 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Available ( jint  fd,
jlong pbytes 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Bind ( jint  fd,
struct sockaddr *  him,
jint  len 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ClassDepth ( JNIEnv env,
jstring  name 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ClassLoaderDepth ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_Clone ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Close ( jint  fd)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_CompileClass ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  compCls,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_CompileClasses ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls,
jstring  jname 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_CompilerCommand ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  compCls,
jobject  arg 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Connect ( jint  fd,
struct sockaddr *  him,
jint  len 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAtIfLoaded ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jdouble JVM_ConstantPoolGetDoubleAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAtIfLoaded ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jfloat JVM_ConstantPoolGetFloatAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ConstantPoolGetIntAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_ConstantPoolGetLongAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_ConstantPoolGetMemberRefInfoAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAtIfLoaded ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_ConstantPoolGetSize ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool 
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_ConstantPoolGetStringAt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_ConstantPoolGetUTF8At ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  unused,
jobject  jcpool,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_CountStackFrames ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_CurrentClassLoader ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_CurrentLoadedClass ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_CurrentThread ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  threadClass 
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_CurrentTimeMillis ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ignored 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_DefineClass ( JNIEnv env,
const char *  name,
jobject  loader,
const jbyte buf,
jsize  len,
jobject  pd 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_DefineClassWithSource ( JNIEnv env,
const char *  name,
jobject  loader,
const jbyte buf,
jsize  len,
jobject  pd,
const char *  source 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_DesiredAssertionStatus ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  unused,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_DisableCompiler ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  compCls 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_DoPrivileged ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls,
jobject  action,
jobject  context,
jboolean  wrapException 
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_DTraceActivate ( JNIEnv env,
jint  version,
jstring  module_name,
jint  providers_count,
JVM_DTraceProvider providers 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_DTraceDispose ( JNIEnv env,
jlong  activation_handle 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_DTraceGetVersion ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_DTraceIsProbeEnabled ( JNIEnv env,
jmethodID  method 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_DTraceIsSupported ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_DumpAllStacks ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  unused 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_DumpThreads ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  threadClass,
jobjectArray  threads 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_EnableCompiler ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  compCls 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Exit ( jint  code)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_FillInStackTrace ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  throwable 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader ( JNIEnv env,
const char *  name 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindClassFromClass ( JNIEnv env,
const char *  name,
jboolean  init,
jclass  from 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindClassFromClassLoader ( JNIEnv env,
const char *  name,
jboolean  init,
jobject  loader,
jboolean  throwError 
JNIEXPORT void* JVM_FindLibraryEntry ( void *  handle,
const char *  name 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindLoadedClass ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  loader,
jstring  name 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_FindPrimitiveClass ( JNIEnv env,
const char *  utf 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_FindSignal ( const char *  name)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_FreeMemory ( void  )
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GC ( void  )
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetAllThreads ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  dummy 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetArrayElement ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  arr,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetArrayLength ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  arr 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_GetCallerClass ( JNIEnv env,
int  n 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassAccessFlags ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JVM_GetClassAnnotations ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetClassConstantPool ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassContext ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassCPEntriesCount ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetClassCPTypes ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
unsigned char *  types 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassDeclaredConstructors ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ofClass,
jboolean  publicOnly 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ofClass,
jboolean  publicOnly 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassDeclaredMethods ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ofClass,
jboolean  publicOnly 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassFieldsCount ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassInterfaces ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetClassLoader ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassMethodsCount ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetClassModifiers ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_GetClassName ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetClassNameUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb 
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_GetClassSignature ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetClassSigners ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_GetComponentType ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetCPClassNameUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetCPFieldClassNameUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index,
jclass  calledClass 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetCPFieldNameUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetCPMethodModifiers ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index,
jclass  calledClass 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetCPMethodNameUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetCPMethodSignatureUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetDeclaredClasses ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ofClass 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_GetDeclaringClass ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ofClass 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetEnclosingMethodInfo ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ofClass 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetFieldIxModifiers ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index 
JNIEXPORT int JVM_GetHostName ( char *  name,
int  namelen 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetInheritedAccessControlContext ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetInterfaceVersion ( void  )
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetLastErrorString ( char *  buf,
int  len 
JNIEXPORT void* JVM_GetManagement ( jint  version)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxArgsSize ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetMethodIxByteCode ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  method_index,
unsigned char *  code 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxByteCodeLength ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  method_index 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionIndexes ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  method_index,
unsigned short *  exceptions 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionsCount ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  method_index 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  method_index,
jint  entry_index,
JVM_ExceptionTableEntryType entry 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableLength ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxMaxStack ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetMethodIxNameUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT const char* JVM_GetMethodIxSignatureUTF ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jvalue JVM_GetPrimitiveArrayElement ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  arr,
jint  index,
jint  wCode 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetProtectionDomain ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetSockName ( jint  fd,
struct sockaddr *  him,
int *  len 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetSockOpt ( jint  fd,
int  level,
int  optname,
char *  optval,
int *  optlen 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetStackAccessControlContext ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_GetStackTraceDepth ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  throwable 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_GetStackTraceElement ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  throwable,
jint  index 
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_GetSystemPackage ( JNIEnv env,
jstring  name 
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetSystemPackages ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JVM_GetThreadStateNames ( JNIEnv env,
jint  javaThreadState,
jintArray  values 
JNIEXPORT jintArray JVM_GetThreadStateValues ( JNIEnv env,
jint  javaThreadState 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_GetVersionInfo ( JNIEnv env,
jvm_version_info info,
size_t  info_size 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Halt ( jint  code)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_HoldsLock ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  threadClass,
jobject  obj 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_IHashCode ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_InitAgentProperties ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  agent_props 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_InitializeCompiler ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  compCls 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_InitializeSocketLibrary ( void  )
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_InitProperties ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  p 
JNIEXPORT jstring JVM_InternString ( JNIEnv env,
jstring  str 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Interrupt ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_InvokeMethod ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  method,
jobject  obj,
jobjectArray  args0 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsArrayClass ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsConstructorIx ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cb,
int  index 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsInterface ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsInterrupted ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread,
jboolean  clearInterrupted 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsNaN ( jdouble  d)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsPrimitiveClass ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsSameClassPackage ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  class1,
jclass  class2 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsSilentCompiler ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  compCls 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion ( jint  version)
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_IsThreadAlive ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_LatestUserDefinedLoader ( JNIEnv env)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Listen ( jint  fd,
jint  count 
JNIEXPORT jclass JVM_LoadClass0 ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj,
jclass  currClass,
jstring  currClassName 
JNIEXPORT void* JVM_LoadLibrary ( const char *  name)
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_Lseek ( jint  fd,
jlong  offset,
jint  whence 
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_MaxMemory ( void  )
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_MaxObjectInspectionAge ( void  )
JNIEXPORT void JVM_MonitorNotify ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_MonitorNotifyAll ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_MonitorWait ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  obj,
jlong  ms 
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_NanoTime ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  ignored 
JNIEXPORT char* JVM_NativePath ( char *  )
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_NewArray ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  eltClass,
jint  length 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_NewInstanceFromConstructor ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  c,
jobjectArray  args0 
JNIEXPORT jobject JVM_NewMultiArray ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  eltClass,
jintArray  dim 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_OnExit ( void(*)(void)  func)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Open ( const char *  fname,
jint  flags,
jint  mode 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_PrintStackTrace ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  throwable,
jobject  printable 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_RaiseSignal ( jint  sig)
JNIEXPORT void* JVM_RawMonitorCreate ( void  )
JNIEXPORT void JVM_RawMonitorDestroy ( void *  mon)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_RawMonitorEnter ( void *  mon)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_RawMonitorExit ( void *  mon)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Read ( jint  fd,
char *  buf,
jint  nbytes 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Recv ( jint  fd,
char *  buf,
jint  nBytes,
jint  flags 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_RecvFrom ( jint  fd,
char *  buf,
int  nBytes,
int  flags,
struct sockaddr *  from,
int *  fromlen 
JNIEXPORT void* JVM_RegisterSignal ( jint  sig,
void *  handler 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ReleaseUTF ( const char *  utf)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ResolveClass ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_ResumeThread ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Send ( jint  fd,
char *  buf,
jint  nBytes,
jint  flags 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SendTo ( jint  fd,
char *  buf,
int  len,
int  flags,
struct sockaddr *  to,
int  tolen 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetArrayElement ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  arr,
jint  index,
jobject  val 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetClassSigners ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls,
jobjectArray  signers 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SetLength ( jint  fd,
jlong  length 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetNativeThreadName ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  jthread,
jstring  name 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetPrimitiveArrayElement ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  arr,
jint  index,
jvalue  v,
unsigned char  vCode 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetProtectionDomain ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  cls,
jobject  protection_domain 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SetSockOpt ( jint  fd,
int  level,
int  optname,
const char *  optval,
int  optlen 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SetThreadPriority ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread,
jint  prio 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Sleep ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  threadClass,
jlong  millis 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Socket ( jint  domain,
jint  type,
jint  protocol 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SocketAvailable ( jint  fd,
jint result 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SocketClose ( jint  fd)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_SocketShutdown ( jint  fd,
jint  howto 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_StartThread ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_StopThread ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread,
jobject  exception 
JNIEXPORT jboolean JVM_SupportsCX8 ( void  )
JNIEXPORT void JVM_SuspendThread ( JNIEnv env,
jobject  thread 
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Sync ( jint  fd)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Timeout ( int  fd,
long  timeout 
JNIEXPORT jlong JVM_TotalMemory ( void  )
JNIEXPORT void JVM_TraceInstructions ( jboolean  on)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_TraceMethodCalls ( jboolean  on)
JNIEXPORT void JVM_UnloadLibrary ( void *  handle)
JNIEXPORT jint JVM_Write ( jint  fd,
char *  buf,
jint  nbytes 
JNIEXPORT void JVM_Yield ( JNIEnv env,
jclass  threadClass 
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