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1473     /**
1474      * A builder for building {@link ModuleDescriptor} objects.
1475      *
1476      * <p> {@code ModuleDescriptor} defines the {@link #newModule newModule},
1477      * {@link #newOpenModule newOpenModule}, and {@link #newAutomaticModule
1478      * newAutomaticModule} methods to create builders for building
1479      * <em>normal</em>, open, and automatic modules. </p>
1480      *
1481      * <p> The set of packages in the module are accumulated by the {@code
1482      * Builder} as the {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#exports(String) exports},
1483      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#opens(String) opens},
1484      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#packages(Set) packages},
1485      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#provides(String,List) provides}, and
1486      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#mainClass(String) mainClass} methods are
1487      * invoked. </p>
1488      *
1489      * <p> The module names, package names, and class names that are parameters
1490      * specified to the builder methods are the module names, package names,
1491      * and qualified names of classes (in named packages) as defined in the
1492      * <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>. </p>
1493      *
1494      * <p> Example usage: </p>
1495      * <pre>{@code    ModuleDescriptor descriptor = ModuleDescriptor.newModule("stats.core")
1496      *         .requires("java.base")
1497      *         .exports("org.acme.stats.core.clustering")
1498      *         .exports("org.acme.stats.core.regression")
1499      *         .packages(Set.of("org.acme.stats.core.internal"))
1500      *         .build();
1501      * }</pre>
1502      *
1503      * @apiNote A {@code Builder} checks the components and invariants as
1504      * components are added to the builder. The rationale for this is to detect
1505      * errors as early as possible and not defer all validation to the
1506      * {@link #build build} method.
1507      *
1508      * @since 9
1509      * @spec JPMS
1510      */
1511     public static final class Builder {
1512         final String name;

1473     /**
1474      * A builder for building {@link ModuleDescriptor} objects.
1475      *
1476      * <p> {@code ModuleDescriptor} defines the {@link #newModule newModule},
1477      * {@link #newOpenModule newOpenModule}, and {@link #newAutomaticModule
1478      * newAutomaticModule} methods to create builders for building
1479      * <em>normal</em>, open, and automatic modules. </p>
1480      *
1481      * <p> The set of packages in the module are accumulated by the {@code
1482      * Builder} as the {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#exports(String) exports},
1483      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#opens(String) opens},
1484      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#packages(Set) packages},
1485      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#provides(String,List) provides}, and
1486      * {@link ModuleDescriptor.Builder#mainClass(String) mainClass} methods are
1487      * invoked. </p>
1488      *
1489      * <p> The module names, package names, and class names that are parameters
1490      * specified to the builder methods are the module names, package names,
1491      * and qualified names of classes (in named packages) as defined in the
1492      * <cite>The Java Language Specification</cite>. </p>
1493      *
1494      * <p> Example usage: </p>
1495      * <pre>{@code    ModuleDescriptor descriptor = ModuleDescriptor.newModule("stats.core")
1496      *         .requires("java.base")
1497      *         .exports("org.acme.stats.core.clustering")
1498      *         .exports("org.acme.stats.core.regression")
1499      *         .packages(Set.of("org.acme.stats.core.internal"))
1500      *         .build();
1501      * }</pre>
1502      *
1503      * @apiNote A {@code Builder} checks the components and invariants as
1504      * components are added to the builder. The rationale for this is to detect
1505      * errors as early as possible and not defer all validation to the
1506      * {@link #build build} method.
1507      *
1508      * @since 9
1509      * @spec JPMS
1510      */
1511     public static final class Builder {
1512         final String name;

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