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*** 403,414 **** { NULL, NULL} }; static AliasedLoggingFlag const aliased_logging_flags[] = { { "TraceClassLoading", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classload }, ! { "TraceClassUnloading", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classunload }, { "TraceClassResolution", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classresolve }, { "TraceExceptions", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_exceptions }, { "TraceMonitorInflation", LogLevel::Debug, true, LogTag::_monitorinflation }, { NULL, LogLevel::Off, false, LogTag::__NO_TAG } }; --- 403,415 ---- { NULL, NULL} }; static AliasedLoggingFlag const aliased_logging_flags[] = { { "TraceClassLoading", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classload }, ! { "TraceClassPaths", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classpath }, { "TraceClassResolution", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classresolve }, + { "TraceClassUnloading", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_classunload }, { "TraceExceptions", LogLevel::Info, true, LogTag::_exceptions }, { "TraceMonitorInflation", LogLevel::Debug, true, LogTag::_monitorinflation }, { NULL, LogLevel::Off, false, LogTag::__NO_TAG } };
*** 3252,3272 **** } } // PrintSharedArchiveAndExit will turn on // -Xshare:on ! // -XX:+TraceClassPaths if (PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) { if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, UseSharedSpaces, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) { return JNI_EINVAL; } if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, RequireSharedSpaces, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) { return JNI_EINVAL; } ! if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, TraceClassPaths, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) { ! return JNI_EINVAL; ! } } // Change the default value for flags which have different default values // when working with older JDKs. #ifdef LINUX --- 3253,3271 ---- } } // PrintSharedArchiveAndExit will turn on // -Xshare:on ! // -Xlog:classpath=info if (PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) { if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, UseSharedSpaces, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) { return JNI_EINVAL; } if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, RequireSharedSpaces, true) != Flag::SUCCESS) { return JNI_EINVAL; } ! LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(classpath)); } // Change the default value for flags which have different default values // when working with older JDKs. #ifdef LINUX
*** 3315,3328 **** } _java_class_path->set_value(copy); FreeHeap(copy); // a copy was made by set_value, so don't need this anymore } - - if (!PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) { - ClassLoader::trace_class_path(tty, "[classpath: ", _java_class_path->value()); - } } static bool has_jar_files(const char* directory) { DIR* dir = os::opendir(directory); if (dir == NULL) return false; --- 3314,3323 ----
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