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*** old/src/share/vm/memory/filemap.cpp	Mon Feb 22 15:23:39 2016
--- new/src/share/vm/memory/filemap.cpp	Mon Feb 22 15:23:39 2016

*** 206,218 **** --- 206,216 ---- if (pass == 0) { count ++; bytes += (int)entry_size; bytes += name_bytes; if (TraceClassPaths) { tty->print_cr("[Add main shared path (%s) %s]", (cpe->is_jar_file() ? "jar" : "dir"), name); } + log_info(classpath)("add main shared path (%s) %s", (cpe->is_jar_file() ? "jar" : "dir"), name); } else { SharedClassPathEntry* ent = shared_classpath(cur_entry); if (cpe->is_jar_file()) { struct stat st; if (os::stat(name, &st) != 0) {
*** 273,285 **** --- 271,281 ---- for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { SharedClassPathEntry* ent = shared_classpath(i); struct stat st; const char* name = ent->_name; bool ok = true; if (TraceClassPaths) { tty->print_cr("[Checking shared classpath entry: %s]", name); } + log_info(classpath)("checking shared classpath entry: %s", name); if (os::stat(name, &st) != 0) { fail_continue("Required classpath entry does not exist: %s", name); ok = false; } else if (ent->is_dir()) { if (!os::dir_is_empty(name)) {
*** 299,311 **** --- 295,305 ---- " the shared archive file: %s", name); } } } if (ok) { if (TraceClassPaths) { tty->print_cr("[ok]"); } + log_info(classpath)("ok"); } else if (!PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) { _validating_classpath_entry_table = false; return false; } }
*** 886,899 **** --- 880,891 ---- return false; } char header_version[JVM_IDENT_MAX]; get_header_version(header_version); if (strncmp(_jvm_ident, header_version, JVM_IDENT_MAX-1) != 0) { if (TraceClassPaths) { ! tty->print_cr("Expected: %s", header_version); tty->print_cr("Actual: %s", _jvm_ident); } + log_info(classpath)("expected: %s", header_version); ! log_info(classpath)("actual: %s", _jvm_ident); FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file was created by a different" " version or build of HotSpot"); return false; } if (_obj_alignment != ObjectAlignmentInBytes) {
*** 917,927 **** --- 909,919 ---- bool status = _header->validate(); if (status) { if (!ClassLoader::check_shared_paths_misc_info(_paths_misc_info, _header->_paths_misc_info_size)) { if (!PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) { ! fail_continue("shared class paths mismatch (hint: enable -XX:+TraceClassPaths to diagnose the failure)"); ! fail_continue("shared class paths mismatch (hint: enable -Xlog:classpath=info to diagnose the failure)"); status = false; } } }

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