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rev 8933 : 8046148.01
@@ -152,12 +152,13 @@
mtNMT = 0x0A, // memory used by native memory tracking
mtClassShared = 0x0B, // class data sharing
mtChunk = 0x0C, // chunk that holds content of arenas
mtTest = 0x0D, // Test type for verifying NMT
mtTracing = 0x0E, // memory used for Tracing
- mtNone = 0x0F, // undefined
- mt_number_of_types = 0x10 // number of memory types (mtDontTrack
+ mtLogging = 0x0F, // memory for logging
+ mtNone = 0x10, // undefined
+ mt_number_of_types = 0x11 // number of memory types (mtDontTrack
// is not included as validate type)
typedef MemoryType MEMFLAGS;
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