1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   3  * Copyright (c) 2016 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
   5  *
   6  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   9  *
  10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  13  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  14  * accompanied this code).
  15  *
  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  * questions.
  23  *
  24  */
  29 #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
  30 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  31 #include "vm_version_s390.hpp"
  33 // Note that the compare-and-swap instructions on System z perform
  34 // a serialization function before the storage operand is fetched
  35 // and again after the operation is completed.
  36 //
  37 // Used constraint modifiers:
  38 // = write-only access: Value on entry to inline-assembler code irrelevant.
  39 // + read/write access: Value on entry is used; on exit value is changed.
  40 //   read-only  access: Value on entry is used and never changed.
  41 // & early-clobber access: Might be modified before all read-only operands
  42 //                         have been used.
  43 // a address register operand (not GR0).
  44 // d general register operand (including GR0)
  45 // Q memory operand w/o index register.
  46 // 0..9 operand reference (by operand position).
  47 //      Used for operands that fill multiple roles. One example would be a
  48 //      write-only operand receiving its initial value from a read-only operand.
  49 //      Refer to cmpxchg(..) operand #0 and variable cmp_val for a real-life example.
  50 //
  52 // On System z, all store operations are atomic if the address where the data is stored into
  53 // is an integer multiple of the data length. Furthermore, all stores are ordered:
  54 // a store which occurs conceptually before another store becomes visible to other CPUs
  55 // before the other store becomes visible.
  57 //------------
  58 // Atomic::add
  59 //------------
  60 // These methods force the value in memory to be augmented by the passed increment.
  61 // Both, memory value and increment, are treated as 32bit signed binary integers.
  62 // No overflow exceptions are recognized, and the condition code does not hold
  63 // information about the value in memory.
  64 //
  65 // The value in memory is updated by using a compare-and-swap instruction. The
  66 // instruction is retried as often as required.
  67 //
  68 // The return value of the method is the value that was successfully stored. At the
  69 // time the caller receives back control, the value in memory may have changed already.
  71 template<size_t byte_size>
  72 struct Atomic::PlatformAdd
  73   : Atomic::AddAndFetch<Atomic::PlatformAdd<byte_size> >
  74 {
  75   template<typename I, typename D>
  76   D add_and_fetch(I add_value, D volatile* dest, cmpxchg_memory_order order) const;
  77 };
  79 template<>
  80 template<typename I, typename D>
  81 inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<4>::add_and_fetch(I inc, D volatile* dest,
  82                                                cmpxchg_memory_order order) const {
  83   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(I));
  84   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(D));
  86   D old, upd;
  88   if (VM_Version::has_LoadAndALUAtomicV1()) {
  89     __asm__ __volatile__ (
  90       "   LGFR     0,%[inc]                \n\t" // save increment
  91       "   LA       3,%[mem]                \n\t" // force data address into ARG2
  92 //    "   LAA      %[upd],%[inc],%[mem]    \n\t" // increment and get old value
  93 //    "   LAA      2,0,0(3)                \n\t" // actually coded instruction
  94       "   .byte    0xeb                    \n\t" // LAA main opcode
  95       "   .byte    0x20                    \n\t" // R1,R3
  96       "   .byte    0x30                    \n\t" // R2,disp1
  97       "   .byte    0x00                    \n\t" // disp2,disp3
  98       "   .byte    0x00                    \n\t" // disp4,disp5
  99       "   .byte    0xf8                    \n\t" // LAA minor opcode
 100       "   AR       2,0                     \n\t" // calc new value in register
 101       "   LR       %[upd],2                \n\t" // move to result register
 102       //---<  outputs  >---
 103       : [upd]  "=&d" (upd)    // write-only, updated counter value
 104       , [mem]  "+Q"  (*dest)  // read/write, memory to be updated atomically
 105       //---<  inputs  >---
 106       : [inc]  "a"   (inc)    // read-only.
 107       //---<  clobbered  >---
 108       : "cc", "r0", "r2", "r3", "memory"
 109     );
 110     if (order == memory_order_conservative) {
 111       __asm__ __volatile__ ("bcr 14, 0" : : : "memory");
 112     }
 113   } else {
 114     __asm__ __volatile__ (
 115       "   LLGF     %[old],%[mem]           \n\t" // get old value
 116       "0: LA       %[upd],0(%[inc],%[old]) \n\t" // calc result
 117       "   CS       %[old],%[upd],%[mem]    \n\t" // try to xchg res with mem
 118       "   JNE      0b                      \n\t" // no success? -> retry
 119       //---<  outputs  >---
 120       : [old] "=&a" (old)    // write-only, old counter value
 121       , [upd] "=&d" (upd)    // write-only, updated counter value
 122       , [mem] "+Q"  (*dest)  // read/write, memory to be updated atomically
 123       //---<  inputs  >---
 124       : [inc] "a"   (inc)    // read-only.
 125       //---<  clobbered  >---
 126       : "cc", "memory"
 127     );
 128   }
 130   return upd;
 131 }
 134 template<>
 135 template<typename I, typename D>
 136 inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<8>::add_and_fetch(I inc, D volatile* dest,
 137                                                cmpxchg_memory_order order) const {
 138   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(I));
 139   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(D));
 141   D old, upd;
 143   if (VM_Version::has_LoadAndALUAtomicV1()) {
 144     __asm__ __volatile__ (
 145       "   LGR      0,%[inc]                \n\t" // save increment
 146       "   LA       3,%[mem]                \n\t" // force data address into ARG2
 147 //    "   LAAG     %[upd],%[inc],%[mem]    \n\t" // increment and get old value
 148 //    "   LAAG     2,0,0(3)                \n\t" // actually coded instruction
 149       "   .byte    0xeb                    \n\t" // LAA main opcode
 150       "   .byte    0x20                    \n\t" // R1,R3
 151       "   .byte    0x30                    \n\t" // R2,disp1
 152       "   .byte    0x00                    \n\t" // disp2,disp3
 153       "   .byte    0x00                    \n\t" // disp4,disp5
 154       "   .byte    0xe8                    \n\t" // LAA minor opcode
 155       "   AGR      2,0                     \n\t" // calc new value in register
 156       "   LGR      %[upd],2                \n\t" // move to result register
 157       //---<  outputs  >---
 158       : [upd]  "=&d" (upd)    // write-only, updated counter value
 159       , [mem]  "+Q"  (*dest)  // read/write, memory to be updated atomically
 160       //---<  inputs  >---
 161       : [inc]  "a"   (inc)    // read-only.
 162       //---<  clobbered  >---
 163       : "cc", "r0", "r2", "r3", "memory"
 164     );
 165     if (order == memory_order_conservative) {
 166       __asm__ __volatile__ ("bcr 14, 0" : : : "memory");
 167     }
 168   } else {
 169     __asm__ __volatile__ (
 170       "   LG       %[old],%[mem]           \n\t" // get old value
 171       "0: LA       %[upd],0(%[inc],%[old]) \n\t" // calc result
 172       "   CSG      %[old],%[upd],%[mem]    \n\t" // try to xchg res with mem
 173       "   JNE      0b                      \n\t" // no success? -> retry
 174       //---<  outputs  >---
 175       : [old] "=&a" (old)    // write-only, old counter value
 176       , [upd] "=&d" (upd)    // write-only, updated counter value
 177       , [mem] "+Q"  (*dest)  // read/write, memory to be updated atomically
 178       //---<  inputs  >---
 179       : [inc] "a"   (inc)    // read-only.
 180       //---<  clobbered  >---
 181       : "cc", "memory"
 182     );
 183   }
 185   return upd;
 186 }
 189 //-------------
 190 // Atomic::xchg
 191 //-------------
 192 // These methods force the value in memory to be replaced by the new value passed
 193 // in as argument.
 194 //
 195 // The value in memory is replaced by using a compare-and-swap instruction. The
 196 // instruction is retried as often as required. This makes sure that the new
 197 // value can be seen, at least for a very short period of time, by other CPUs.
 198 //
 199 // If we would use a normal "load(old value) store(new value)" sequence,
 200 // the new value could be lost unnoticed, due to a store(new value) from
 201 // another thread.
 202 //
 203 // The return value is the (unchanged) value from memory as it was when the
 204 // replacement succeeded.
 205 template<>
 206 template<typename T>
 207 inline T Atomic::PlatformXchg<4>::operator()(T exchange_value,
 208                                              T volatile* dest) const {
 209   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
 210   T old;
 212   __asm__ __volatile__ (
 213     "   LLGF     %[old],%[mem]           \n\t" // get old value
 214     "0: CS       %[old],%[upd],%[mem]    \n\t" // try to xchg upd with mem
 215     "   JNE      0b                      \n\t" // no success? -> retry
 216     //---<  outputs  >---
 217     : [old] "=&d" (old)      // write-only, prev value irrelevant
 218     , [mem] "+Q"  (*dest)    // read/write, memory to be updated atomically
 219     //---<  inputs  >---
 220     : [upd] "d"   (exchange_value) // read-only, value to be written to memory
 221     //---<  clobbered  >---
 222     : "cc", "memory"
 223   );
 225   return old;
 226 }
 228 template<>
 229 template<typename T>
 230 inline T Atomic::PlatformXchg<8>::operator()(T exchange_value,
 231                                              T volatile* dest) const {
 232   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
 233   T old;
 235   __asm__ __volatile__ (
 236     "   LG       %[old],%[mem]           \n\t" // get old value
 237     "0: CSG      %[old],%[upd],%[mem]    \n\t" // try to xchg upd with mem
 238     "   JNE      0b                      \n\t" // no success? -> retry
 239     //---<  outputs  >---
 240     : [old] "=&d" (old)      // write-only, init from memory
 241     , [mem] "+Q"  (*dest)    // read/write, memory to be updated atomically
 242     //---<  inputs  >---
 243     : [upd] "d"   (exchange_value) // read-only, value to be written to memory
 244     //---<  clobbered  >---
 245     : "cc", "memory"
 246   );
 248   return old;
 249 }
 251 //----------------
 252 // Atomic::cmpxchg
 253 //----------------
 254 // These methods compare the value in memory with a given compare value.
 255 // If both values compare equal, the value in memory is replaced with
 256 // the exchange value.
 257 //
 258 // The value in memory is compared and replaced by using a compare-and-swap
 259 // instruction. The instruction is NOT retried (one shot only).
 260 //
 261 // The return value is the (unchanged) value from memory as it was when the
 262 // compare-and-swap instruction completed. A successful exchange operation
 263 // is indicated by (return value == compare_value). If unsuccessful, a new
 264 // exchange value can be calculated based on the return value which is the
 265 // latest contents of the memory location.
 266 //
 267 // Inspecting the return value is the only way for the caller to determine
 268 // if the compare-and-swap instruction was successful:
 269 // - If return value and compare value compare equal, the compare-and-swap
 270 //   instruction was successful and the value in memory was replaced by the
 271 //   exchange value.
 272 // - If return value and compare value compare unequal, the compare-and-swap
 273 //   instruction was not successful. The value in memory was left unchanged.
 274 //
 275 // The s390 processors always fence before and after the csg instructions.
 276 // Thus we ignore the memory ordering argument. The docu says: "A serialization
 277 // function is performed before the operand is fetched and again after the
 278 // operation is completed."
 280 // No direct support for cmpxchg of bytes; emulate using int.
 281 template<>
 282 struct Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<1> : Atomic::CmpxchgByteUsingInt {};
 284 template<>
 285 template<typename T>
 286 inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<4>::operator()(T xchg_val,
 287                                                 T volatile* dest,
 288                                                 T cmp_val,
 289                                                 cmpxchg_memory_order unused) const {
 290   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
 291   T old;
 293   __asm__ __volatile__ (
 294     "   CS       %[old],%[upd],%[mem]    \n\t" // Try to xchg upd with mem.
 295     // outputs
 296     : [old] "=&d" (old)      // Write-only, prev value irrelevant.
 297     , [mem] "+Q"  (*dest)    // Read/write, memory to be updated atomically.
 298     // inputs
 299     : [upd] "d"   (xchg_val)
 300     ,       "0"   (cmp_val)  // Read-only, initial value for [old] (operand #0).
 301     // clobbered
 302     : "cc", "memory"
 303   );
 305   return old;
 306 }
 308 template<>
 309 template<typename T>
 310 inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<8>::operator()(T xchg_val,
 311                                                 T volatile* dest,
 312                                                 T cmp_val,
 313                                                 cmpxchg_memory_order unused) const {
 314   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
 315   T old;
 317   __asm__ __volatile__ (
 318     "   CSG      %[old],%[upd],%[mem]    \n\t" // Try to xchg upd with mem.
 319     // outputs
 320     : [old] "=&d" (old)      // Write-only, prev value irrelevant.
 321     , [mem] "+Q"  (*dest)    // Read/write, memory to be updated atomically.
 322     // inputs
 323     : [upd] "d"   (xchg_val)
 324     ,       "0"   (cmp_val)  // Read-only, initial value for [old] (operand #0).
 325     // clobbered
 326     : "cc", "memory"
 327   );
 329   return old;
 330 }