@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({FIELD,METHOD,TYPE}) public @interface XmlTransient
Prevents the mapping of a JavaBean property/type to XML representation.
The @XmlTransient
annotation is useful for resolving name
collisions between a JavaBean property name and a field name or
preventing the mapping of a field/property. A name collision can
occur when the decapitalized JavaBean property name and a field
name are the same. If the JavaBean property refers to the field,
then the name collision can be resolved by preventing the
mapping of either the field or the JavaBean property using the
When placed on a class, it indicates that the class shouldn't be mapped to XML by itself. Properties on such class will be mapped to XML along with its derived classes, as if the class is inlined.
The @XmlTransient
annotation can be used with the following
program elements:
is mutually exclusive with all other
JAXB defined annotations.
See "Package Specification" in javax.xml.bind.package javadoc for additional common information.
Example: Resolve name collision between JavaBean property and field name
// Example: Code fragment
public class USAddress {
// The field name "name" collides with the property name
// obtained by bean decapitalization of getName() below
@XmlTransient public String name;
String getName() {..};
String setName() {..};
<!-- Example: XML Schema fragment -->
<xs:complexType name="USAddress">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
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