Module java.xml

module java.xml
Defines the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), the Streaming API for XML (StAX), the Simple API for XML (SAX), and the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) API.

JAXP Lookup Mechanism

JAXP defines an ordered lookup procedure to determine the implementation class to load for the JAXP factories. Factories that support the mechanism are listed in the table below along with the method, System Property name, Configuration File, and System Default method to be used in the procedure.
JAXP Factories
Factory Method System Property Name Configuration File System Default
DocumentBuilderFactory newInstance() javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory newDefaultInstance()
SAXParserFactory newInstance() javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory newDefaultInstance()
XMLEventFactory newFactory() and then newDefaultFactory()
XMLInputFactory newFactory() and then newDefaultFactory()
XMLOutputFactory newFactory() and then newDefaultFactory()
TransformerFactory newInstance() javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory newDefaultInstance()
SchemaFactory newInstance(schemaLanguage) javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory:schemaLanguage[1] newDefaultInstance()
XPathFactory newInstance(uri) DEFAULT_PROPERTY_NAME + ":uri"[2] newDefaultInstance()
[1] where schemaLanguage is the parameter to the newInstance(schemaLanguage) method.

[2] where uri is the parameter to the newInstance(uri) method. is a configuration file in standard Properties format and typically located in the conf directory of the Java installation. It contains the fully qualified name of the implementation class with the key being the system property name defined in the table above.

The file is read only once by the implementation and the values are then cached for future use. If the file does not exist when the first attempt is made to read from it, no further attempts are made to check for its existence. It is not possible to change the value of any property after it has been read for the first time. is a configuration file that functions the same as except that it is only used by StAX factory lookup.

Lookup Procedure

The JAXP Factories follow the procedure described below in order to locate and load the implementation class:
Implementation Note:

Implementation Specific Features and Properties

In addition to the standard features and properties described within the public APIs of this module, the JDK implementation supports a further number of implementation specific features and properties. This section describes the naming convention, System Properties,, scope and order, and processors to which a property applies. A table listing the implementation specific features and properties which the implementation currently supports can be found at the end of this note.

Naming Convention

The names of the features and properties are fully qualified, composed of a prefix and name.


The prefix for JDK properties is defined as:
The prefix for features:
The prefix for System Properties:


A name may consist of one or multiple words that are case-sensitive. All letters of the first word are in lowercase, while the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized.

An example of a property that indicates whether an XML document is standalone would thus have a format:
and a corresponding System Property:

System Properties

A property may have a corresponding System Property that has the same name except for the prefix as shown above. A System Property should be set prior to the creation of a processor and may be cleared afterwards.

A system property can be specified in the file to set the behavior for all invocations of the JDK. The format is system-property-name=value. For example:

Scope and Order

The XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING feature (hereafter referred to as secure processing) is required for XML processors including DOM, SAX, Schema Validation, XSLT, and XPath. Any properties flagged as "security: yes" (hereafter referred to as security properties) in table Implementation Specific Properties are enforced when secure processing is set to true. Such enforcement includes setting security features to true and limits to the defined values shown in the table. The property values will not be affected, however, when setting secure processing to false.

When the Java Security Manager is present, secure processing is set to true and can not be turned off. The security properties are therefore enforced.

Properties specified in the file affect all invocations of the JDK, and will override their default values, or those that may have been set by secure processing.

System properties, when set, affect the invocation of the JDK and override the default settings or those that may have been set in or by secure processing.

JAXP properties specified through JAXP factories or processors (e.g. SAXParser) take preference over system properties, the file, as well as secure processing.

Processor Support

Features and properties may be supported by one or more processors. The following table lists the processors by IDs that can be used for reference.
ID Name How to set the property
DOM DOM Parser DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
dbf.setAttribute(name, value);
SAX SAX Parser SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser = spf.newSAXParser();
parser.setProperty(name, value);
StAX StAX Parser XMLInputFactory xif = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
xif.setProperty(name, value);
Validation XML Validation API SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(schemaLanguage);
schemaFactory.setProperty(name, value);
Transform XML Transform API TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
factory.setAttribute(name, value);
XSLTC Serializer XSLTC Serializer Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
transformer.setOutputProperty(name, value);
DOMLS DOM Load and Save LSSerializer serializer = domImplementation.createLSSerializer();
serializer.getDomConfig().setParameter(name, value);

Implementation Specific Features and Properties

The Implementation Specific Features and Properties reflect JDK's choice to manage the limitations on resources while complying with the API specification, or allow applications to alter behaviors beyond those required by the standards.

The table below lists the Implementation Specific Properties currently supported by the JDK. More properties may be added in the future if necessary.

Implementation Specific Properties
Name [1] Description System Property [2] [2] Value [3] Security [4] Supported Processor [5] Since [6]
Type Value Default
entityExpansionLimit Limits the number of entity expansions. yes yes Integer A positive integer. A value less than or equal to 0 indicates no limit. If the value is not an integer, a NumberFormatException is thrown. 64000 Yes DOM
elementAttributeLimit Limits the number of attributes an element can have. 10000
maxOccurLimit Limits the number of content model nodes that may be created when building a grammar for a W3C XML Schema that contains maxOccurs attributes with values other than "unbounded". 5000
totalEntitySizeLimit Limits the total size of all entities that include general and parameter entities. The size is calculated as an aggregation of all entities. 5x10^7
maxGeneralEntitySizeLimit Limits the maximum size of any general entities. 0
maxParameterEntitySizeLimit Limits the maximum size of any parameter entities, including the result of nesting multiple parameter entities. 10^6
entityReplacementLimit Limits the total number of nodes in all entity references. 3x10^6
maxElementDepth Limits the maximum element depth. 0
maxXMLNameLimit Limits the maximum size of XML names, including element name, attribute name and namespace prefix and URI. 1000
isStandalone indicates that the serializer should treat the output as a standalone document. The property can be used to ensure a newline is written after the XML declaration. Unlike the property xml-declaration, this property does not have an effect on whether an XML declaration should be written out. yes yes boolean true/false false No DOMLS 17
xsltcIsStandalone indicates that the XSLTC serializer should treat the output as a standalone document. The property can be used to ensure a newline is written after the XML declaration. Unlike the property OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, this property does not have an effect on whether an XML declaration should be written out.

This property behaves similar to that for DOMLS above, except that it is for the XSLTC Serializer and its value is a String.

yes yes String yes/no no No XSLTC Serializer 17

[1] The name of a property. The fully-qualified name, prefix + name, should be used when setting the property.

[2] A value "yes" indicates there is a corresponding System Property for the property, "no" otherwise.

[3] The value must be exactly as listed in this table, case-sensitive. The value of the corresponding System Property is the String representation of the property value. If the type is boolean, the system property is true only if it is "true"; If the type is String, the system property is true only if it is exactly the same string representing the positive value (e.g. "yes" for xsltcIsStandalone); The system property is false otherwise. If the type is Integer, the value of the System Property is the String representation of the value (e.g. "64000" for entityExpansionLimit).

[4] A value "yes" indicates the property is a Security Property. Refer to the Scope and Order on how secure processing may affect the value of a Security Property.

[5] One or more processors that support the property. The values of the field are IDs described in table Processors.

[6] Indicates the initial release the property is introduced.

Module Graph:
Module graph for java.xmlModule graph for java.xml