Class MemoryLayouts


public final class MemoryLayouts
extends Object
This class defines useful layout constants. Some of the constants defined in this class are explicit in both size and byte order (see BITS_64_BE), and can therefore be used to explicitly and unambiguously specify the contents of a memory segment. Other constants make implicit byte order assumptions (see JAVA_INT); as such, these constants make it easy to work with other serialization-centric APIs, such as ByteBuffer.
  • Field Details

    • BITS_8_LE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_8_LE
      A value layout constant with size of one byte, and byte order set to ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN.
    • BITS_16_LE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_16_LE
      A value layout constant with size of two bytes, and byte order set to ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN.
    • BITS_32_LE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_32_LE
      A value layout constant with size of four bytes, and byte order set to ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN.
    • BITS_64_LE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_64_LE
      A value layout constant with size of eight bytes, and byte order set to ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN.
    • BITS_8_BE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_8_BE
      A value layout constant with size of one byte, and byte order set to ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN.
    • BITS_16_BE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_16_BE
      A value layout constant with size of two bytes, and byte order set to ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN.
    • BITS_32_BE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_32_BE
      A value layout constant with size of four bytes, and byte order set to ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN.
    • BITS_64_BE

      public static final ValueLayout BITS_64_BE
      A value layout constant with size of eight bytes, and byte order set to ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN.
    • PAD_8

      public static final MemoryLayout PAD_8
      A padding layout constant with size of one byte.
    • PAD_16

      public static final MemoryLayout PAD_16
      A padding layout constant with size of two bytes.
    • PAD_32

      public static final MemoryLayout PAD_32
      A padding layout constant with size of four bytes.
    • PAD_64

      public static final MemoryLayout PAD_64
      A padding layout constant with size of eight bytes.

      public static final ValueLayout JAVA_BYTE
      A value layout constant whose size is the same as that of a Java byte, and byte order set to ByteOrder.nativeOrder().

      public static final ValueLayout JAVA_CHAR
      A value layout constant whose size is the same as that of a Java char, and byte order set to ByteOrder.nativeOrder().

      public static final ValueLayout JAVA_SHORT
      A value layout constant whose size is the same as that of a Java short, and byte order set to ByteOrder.nativeOrder().
    • JAVA_INT

      public static final ValueLayout JAVA_INT
      A value layout constant whose size is the same as that of a Java int, and byte order set to ByteOrder.nativeOrder().

      public static final ValueLayout JAVA_LONG
      A value layout constant whose size is the same as that of a Java long, and byte order set to ByteOrder.nativeOrder().

      public static final ValueLayout JAVA_FLOAT
      A value layout constant whose size is the same as that of a Java float, and byte order set to ByteOrder.nativeOrder().

      public static final ValueLayout JAVA_DOUBLE
      A value layout constant whose size is the same as that of a Java double, and byte order set to ByteOrder.nativeOrder().